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2022年河北省承德市大学英语6级大学英语六级 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题) 1. By solving your divorce problem online, you need to pay £100. A.Y B.N C.NG? 2. The X-34 has a reusable lower stage and an expendable upper, the goal of designs is______. 3. If you want to get off to the fight start, you should treat the receptionists as your potential bosses. 4. We have problem with evaluating risk partly because ______. 5. The closer to the extratropics, the more species there are. A.Y B.N C.NG? 6. During the development of cordless tool, Black & Decker designed a computer program to ______. A.recharge batteries by using solar energy? B.produce environment-friendly batteries? C.reduce the weight of battery? D.maximize the duration of battery? 7. College education is to blame for the failure of America's math and science education. A.Y B.N C.NG? 8. Laughter was distributed as a characteristic common to mankind because of its ______. 9. After having the weight loss surgery, a person will not suffer from obesity any more. A.Y B.N C.NG? 10. ______in history did the US have no Vice President. 11. In Sydney's Galleries Victoria, the mall's main piazza is covered with a large, flat skylight made of______. 12.Slash Your Bills-- 6 Ways to Keep More Cash Like a lot of hardworking couples, Ilah and Dennis Hardesty of Long Beach, California, live paycheck to paycheck. Their $1,200 monthly rent eats up about half of Dennis's take-home pay as a manager for a racing car engine manufacturer. Private school tuition for their three teens takes another$400 bite. Income from Ilah's two part-time jobs-- as a fitness trainer and school secretary-- disappears at the gas station and the grocery store. The bottom line? Even with no car payments and just $ 300 in credit card debt, the family barely gets by. "We don't have a penny in savings", says Ilah. "No, I actually do have one cent in my ac-count". With inflation outpacing


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