Unit 4 Extended reading 课件2023-2024学年牛津译林版(2020)高中英语必修第三册.pptxVIP

Unit 4 Extended reading 课件2023-2024学年牛津译林版(2020)高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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新牛津译林版高中英语必修三Unit 4 Extended Reading The Value of Science;Make an oral practice;Why is Science a double-edged sword?;Richard Feynman;Structure;Lets read and find out how the writer explains his ideas. ;Before the war;Read the lecture transcript and finish the mind map.;Analyse the language of the lecture;;Scientific knowledge enables us to do and make all kinds of things.;Para. 3 What do these “it” refer to?;According to Feynman, who should be blamed if the power of science is used to do something bad?;Scientific knowledge enables us to do and make all kinds of things.;para.4;“We turn over each new stone to find unimagined strangeness leading on to more wonderful questions and mysteries.” ;Scientific knowledge enables us to do and make all kinds of things.; para.5-6;;;;;1. What caused Richard Feynman to question the vatue of science? A.His repeated failure in scientific research. B. Peoples ignorance and misunderstanding of science at that time. C.Some disastrous effects brought by science in the war. D.Other scientists negative comments on the value of science. 2.How many values of science are referred to in the lecture? A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5. 3.What does “the intellectual enjoyment mean according to Richard? A.Science is great fun and people take delight in learning science. B.Science is complex and can help people become clever. C.Science is unlimited and people get pleasure from making constant discoveries. D. Science is developing and people enjoy the ever-changing scientific knowledge.; 1.It represented the destruction of people and it put our future at risk. (Lines3-4); 2.I had to ask myself, “Is there some evil involved in science?” (Lines4-5);Para.2;Para.3;Para.3;Para.4;7.Never concerned that the answer may let us down, with pleasure and confidence we turn over each new stone to find unimagined strangeness leading on to more wonderful questions and mysteries.(Line 20);7.Never concerned that the answer may let us down, with p


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