ASUS华硕智能物联网 工业计算机Software & ServiceAISDetector Datasheet V1.0 (English).pdf

ASUS华硕智能物联网 工业计算机Software & ServiceAISDetector Datasheet V1.0 (English).pdf

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AISDetector An AI-based application software for product quality inspection during the production phase Create Project Train Model Verify Model Start Checking Introduction AISDetector is AI-based application software that can be utilized to perform product quality inspection during the production phase. It provides an intuitive user interface that allows a production engineer or line manager to create an AI model in less than 1 minute, without requiring AI expertise. Waveform signature analysis is the key technology used in the AISDetector software, which uses AI to automatically find abnormal patterns in signal raw data. AISDetector software standardizes testing procedures, and its use avoids the potential for human error. The software also creates a production history, enabling traceability. Overall, it improves productivity and quality. Features and Benefits Create an AI model within 1 minute Using fast AI modeling technology, users can create a new AI model within 1 min. This makes production line changeover easy, so it’s a perfect match for small- or large-volume production. Intuitive interface AI knowledge is not required when using AISDetector. An intuitive interface enables full functionality, so production engineers or line managers can quickly learn how to configure models. The complete AI model training process can be completed in just 4 steps. No AI accelerator needed AISDetector only requires computing power from a typical CPU. This means that an AI-based manufacturing system can be adopted without significant investment. Variety of data source AISDetector supports a 3-axial accelerator, a single axial accelerator or a direcctional Microphone, and it accepts a ran


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