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端午节的邀请英语作文5篇 端午节到了,想送份祝福给你。可是一片粽叶,包不住我对你浓浓的思念;飘香的粽子,承载不下我悠悠的祝福;各样的通讯手段,送不出我日夜的牵挂;总有千言万语,描述不了我们的情谊。只能用一条短短的信息送给你,祝福你健康快乐,吉祥如意。下面是小编整理的关于端午节的作文,欢迎阅读,希望能帮助到大家,谢谢! 更多关于端午节的相关内容推荐↓↓↓ 端午节的邀请英语作文1 Today, it is the Dragon Boat Festival. My grandma and grandpa came to my house. My grandmother said to me: their families hang mugwort calamus, eat zongzi, go up the hill and pick green, and eat zongzi and make zongzi. Early in the morning, I followed my grandma pack up, first of all take out two pieces of leaves, one large and one small learn to the appearance of the grandmother out of the corner, again a little bit on the folded Angle cone into the soak glutinous rice, some red bean paste, and glutinous rice was built. I started to be a little smug, thinking: its hard for me to make a simple dumpling. But when I put the leaves back on, the glutinous rice was like a naughty child who didnt listen to my commands and jumped out in succession. I was like a cat on hot bricks today, fortunately, my grandma solution for me get some glutinous rice around a bit, I breathed a sigh of relief, the in the mind of a heavy piece of rock. After a few setbacks, I finally got to the last step. I took the palm rope and wrapped it in a circle and then I gave it to my grandmother. It was then that I realized that zongzi was a handicraft work and it was very difficult to wrap up. This time the Dragon Boat Festival can be really interesting, not only I will make dumplings, but also know that if there is a setback, I will also climb up and try again! 端午节的邀请英语作文2 The fifth day of may is the traditional Chinese festival of Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the fifth, May Day, the afternoon festival, the dragon festival, the poets day, the festival of the festival, the childrens day and the loran festival. The main customs of the Dragon Boat Festival are: eating zongzi, racing dragon boat RACES, daughters returning to the home, combat, hitting, swinging and eating salted egg



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