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Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway Park 京张铁路遗址公园贯通概念方案征集-应征文件 Memory of the historic railway 京张铁路的历史性记忆 Inspired by the history of the first Chinese train, we characterize the free spaces as the railway site park. 2 We introduce a simple design which can be read as a brand and which can be perceived all over the park. 我们将提供一个简洁的设 计,它可以被解读为一类印 记,并在整个公园中感知呈 现。 The flow of the movement is implemented in the space by the presence of the railway and the metro line. 在铁路和地铁线路并存的情 况下 ,实现在空间中的活动 流线。 3 4 We give a second life to buildings 我们赋予建筑物第二次生命 We give a second life to buildings instead of demolishing 我们赋予建筑物第二次生命,而不是简 them. And we put them into the context with the new 单地拆除他们。我们使其与周边环境以 buildings, generating a brand for Beijing: The green 及新建筑融为一体,为北京市创造出一 railway axis. 个品牌:绿色铁路轴线。 5 Analysis of Competition Design Brief Based on the location of the site park, the projection of the railway site should be done well, and railway elements such as tracks should be preserved as far as possible. The separated land on both sides of the railway should be connected, slow traffic systems such as bicycle lanes should be improved, and open-air sports facilities should be increased. Scientific and techological elements with both intelligence and practicability should be strengthened in combination with the characteristics of Haidian science and technology, used for walking, music and other leisure activities. According to the relevant experience of the rail transit integration and inefficient land use, combined with the separation of Line 13, the site park design is carried out, and the space under the bridge of Line 13 is taken into acco


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