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2023届深圳高考英语三轮冲刺阅读理解猜词题专训(含答案)--第1页 2023 届深圳高考英语三轮冲刺阅读理解猜词题专训 A Practice makes perfect is a very popular expression. However, can we take this saying literally Does enough practice literally lead to perfection, or at least to a level of expertise As for the theory that if a person practices for at least 10, 000 hours, they will reach “perfection”or, in other words, become an expert in their field, Anders Ericsson stated that 10, 000 hours was an average figure: Some people needed far fewer than 10, 000 hours, and others many more. More importantly, Ericsson said that just practising a lot was not enough; the type and quality of practice was also essential. He went on to explain the importance of “deliberate practice”, which is when a person practices a specific part of a skill in depth rather than practising a skill as a whole. Deliberate practice is said to be much more effective, although more tiring. Despite the theories mentioned above, many other studies argue that practice alone is far from enough. In fact, a more recent study from Princeton University stated that practice only accounted for up to 26% of reaching an expert level. So what are the other factors that contribute to people becoming experts Many people say that natural talent has a large influence on becoming an expert. Another natural factor is physical superiority, which is 2023届深圳高考英语三轮冲刺阅读理解猜词题专训(含答案)--第1页 2023届深圳高考英语三轮冲刺阅读理解猜词题专训(含答案)--第2页 especially evident in sports. For instance, many baseball players in America have amazing vision that allows them to see the ball much sooner than others do. So no matter how much a “normal” person practices, it is very hard for them to be as good as someone who has natural talent or physical


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