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高考作文经典技巧万能句型-高级词汇-高级句型-完美打印版复习课程--第1页 精品文档 高中英语学习资料之高考英语作文经典技巧 独家自创! 资料编辑:Alex彭 【一】经典三段式备用高级句型: 开头: 1.With the development of the society….. 随着社会的发展… 2.Recently, there is a heated discussion on…. 近来,有一个关于….的激烈讨论 3.From the above material, we can firstly get the conclusion that… 从以上材料中,我们首先可以得出… 4.In this colorful and various society, the phenomenon like this is pretty common for people like us….. 在这样一个多姿多彩的社会里,这种现象对我们来说十分普遍。 5.With a deep and thorough thought on this problem, it’s not difficult fo us to draw the conclusion that……在对这个问题深思熟虑之后,不难得出以下结论… 过渡: 1.Afte talking about this phenomenon, then comes the question that how can we eventually settle this problem….. 在指出这个问题之后,接下来就是如何解决这个问题了… 2.What’s more important is that how we can solve this proble m, especially as a high school student in this modern society …… 更加重要的是我们如何解决这个问题呢?尤其是作为现代化的高中生。 3. For those who have a good sense of social responsibility, we, of course, have to think a good way to work this problem out….. 对于那些有高度社会责任感的人来说,我们,当然要想出一条解决之道。 4.We were taught to be socially responsible when we were still at a very young age, then there is no reason for us to ignore this problem now. 我们还很小的时候就被教导要有社会责任感,现在就更没有理由忽 略这个问题了。 5. Problems won’t be solved automaticall b themselves unless we come up with a perfect plan and eventually execute it. 问题永远不会自动解决,除非我们想出一个好的计划并付诸实践。 结尾: 1.Every coin has two sides, let’s strengthen the good points and reduce the bad sides as possible as we can. 事物都是一分为二的,让我们尽可能的扬长避短。 2.After trying our best, what we are going to do next is to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 在付出一切之后,我们即将要做的就是怀最好的希望,做最坏的打算。 精品文档 高考作文经典技巧万能句型-高级词汇-高级句型-完美打印版复习课程--第1页 高考作文经典技巧万能句型-高级词汇-高级句型-完美打印版复习课程--第2页 精品文档 3.Where there is a will, there is a way. A harmonious society will surely be reached as long as we neve give up the hope of improving it.


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