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外贸人必看!手把手教你如何跟客户谈涨价 最近看到外贸人抱怨,想跟客户沟通产品涨价的消息,结果客户在电话那头暴跳如雷,甚至说不要跟她说涨价,只告诉她降价就行,一时之间不知道怎么跟客户沟通。 但办法总比困难多,以下就是外贸高手从3个步骤来跟客户讲解产品涨价的事情,同时还附上了邮件模板,一起来看看吧。 第一步、提前告知客户 在涨价前,要预先给客户通知,最好提前1-2个月,并做详细说明,留给客户充足的时间来调整他的销售价格。 邮件模板: Hi,XXX, The loss caused by exchange rate changes should not be borne by any of us, but it exists objectively and affects our cooperation, so we cannot ignore it. As you see, the exchange rate has been falling for several months, but we have never raised the price with you because you are our old customer and we hope to not disturb you as much as possible. Our peers, that is, other suppliers, have raised prices with their customers last month, and we have been waiting for the exchange rate to rising, because in this case, we will not increase the price, but unfortunately, the exchange rate is still falling. In desperation, we consulting with you. Our proposal is fair to both parties, and we hope you will consider it again. Thanks, my dear sir. Hope we can have good and long cooperation. Sincerely, Your Name 第二步、明确提价的原因 如果客户已经购买同一种产品几个月或几年了,这使得你和外贸客户强调产品质量的重要性至关重要。例如,随着一些原材料越来越稀缺和昂贵,为了保持产品的质量,被迫提高使用这些材料的产品的价格。 邮件模板(1): Dear XXX, Accurate was on the receiving end of a 17% price increase from our supplier last year. We made the decision not to increase prices for 2022 and shifted our focus to best serve the needs of our customers during these unsteady times. We took a hard look at how we could continue so that you, our loyal consumers, would not bear the full brunt of these rising costs that have been imposed on us. The 2023 price increase of 5% for our price line, which will go into effect beginning April 15th, 2023, will allow us to minimally adjust costs caused by the continuing increase of raw materials, packaging, transportation, and labor. We value your business and thank you for your continued support during our transition. We all have been through a lot this past year and are looking forward to your continued partnership while navigating through


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