The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes《福尔摩斯历险记(1984)》第四季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes《福尔摩斯历险记(1984)》第四季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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福尔摩斯探案集 第4季第2集 魔鬼之足 快到了 Almost there. 一个在哈利街的医生 What does a Harley Street specialist 凭什么知道我的健康状况呢? know about my health? 福尔摩斯 听着 Listen, Holmes, 穆尔·阿加医生坚持要你彻底休息一下 Doctor Moor Agar insists you have a complete rests 否则你的身体就要完全垮掉了 if you wish to avoid an absolute breakdown. 海边的空气对你的健康有利 The sea air will do you the world of good. 你该独自旅行的 华生 You should have traveled alone, Watson. 胡说 Nonsense. 你在休假中 You're on holiday. 太美妙了 福尔摩斯 简直太美妙了 Why it's wonderful, Holmes, wonderful! 这里的景色真是壮观 The views are spectacular. 我们正处在 Well we're looking at the most dangerous piece 我国最险峻的一处海岸线 of coastline in the country. 你的朋友是位自然历史学家? Your friend is a natural historian I presume? 大学时代的老相识 An old acquaintance from my college days. 我去看下行李 I'll see to the luggage. 谢谢 Thank you. 你好 先生 Good day to you, sir. 我想之后几周 I thought as we were going to be neighbors 我们会成为邻居 for the next few weeks 我应当来欢迎一下 I ought to say a few words of welcome. 真是客气 How very kind. 而且我当然渴望见到 And of course I've long wanted to meet 夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生 Mr. Sherlock Holmes. 先生 我真的很荣幸 It is indeed a pleasure, sir. 谢谢 但我是约翰·华生医生 Thank you but I'm Doctor John Watson. 哦 Oh. 请进 Come in. 这是我的好朋友 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 This is my good friend Sherlock Holmes. 非常抱歉我本该意识到 A thousand apologies, I should have realized. 请进吧 朗德海先生 Do come in Mr. Roundhay. 我真是太蠢了 Very stupid of me. 您怎么知道我的名字的? How did you know my name? 你对考古很感兴趣是吗? You have an interest in archeology do you not? 你怎么知道的? Why yes. 华生 你来继续 Deduce, Watson, go on. 推理 Deduce. 你鞋尖上 膝盖下面 You've got mud on the points of your shoes 和右手上 and beneath your knees 都沾有泥土 and on the fingers of your right hand... 太精彩了 Splendid, splendid. 这说明你之前跪了一段时间在地上 Which indicates that you've knelt on the ground for a length of time. 华生 你越来越不可思议了 Oh Watson, you're coming along marvelously. 你是个左撇子园丁 You're a left-handed gardener. 还是考古专业的学生 You're a student of archeology. 你发表了一篇关于新石器时代 You've published a paper over theories 埋葬风俗的文章 surrounding the neolithic burial rites. 您 尊敬的弗朗西斯·朗德海 You are the Reverend Francis Roundhay, 还是当地教



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