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新冠疫情对企业的影响 2022年6月|上海;调研概要;Q1: How have you adjusted your revenue projections to account for the impact of recent Covid-related lockdowns in Shanghai and the YRD?;Q2: What impact have the recent Covid lockdowns in Shanghai had on your investment plans? 本轮疫情引发的上海封控管理措施对贵司的投资计划有何影响?;Q3: What impact have the recent Covid-related lockdowns in Shanghai had on your company’s China operations strategy? Select all that apply.;Q4: What impact have the Shanghai lockdowns had on your supply chain strategy? Select all that apply. 本轮疫情引发的上海封控管理措施对贵司的供应链策略有何影响?(多选);Q5: How have the recent lockdowns in Shanghai impacted your HR strategy in China? Select all that apply. 本轮疫情引发的上海封控管理措施对贵司的人力资源战略有何影响?(多选);Q6: What percentage of your expatriate staff have unexpectedly resigned due to recent lockdowns? 贵司外籍员工中出于本轮疫情封控管理措施而提出非计划内离职申请的比例为:;Q7: Has your company resumed operations and, if yes, at what capacity is your company currently operating? 贵司是否已恢复生产经营?若是,产能/经营活动的恢复程度为:;Q8: What measures are needed to allow your company to operate at full capacity? Select all that apply. 若尚未全面复工,下列哪些措施有助于贵司全面恢复经营生产?(多选);Q9: How can the local government mitigate concerns about the impact of Covid lockdowns on your company’s revenues? Select all that apply.;Q10: What short-term economic support measures would be most helpful to your company to recover from the lockdowns? Select all that apply. 哪些短期经济援助政策有助于贵司从疫情封控措施造成的影响中恢复?(多选);Q11: Has your company already enjoyed any economic support measures since the Covid lockdowns in Shanghai? 自上海实施疫情封控管理措施实施以来,贵司是否已经享受到政府补贴?;Q12: If yes, what economic support measures has your company already enjoyed or applied to enjoy? Select all that apply. 若是,贵司已享受到下列哪些纾困或补贴措施?(多选);Q13: In the medium and long term, what economic stimulus policies would be the most helpful for your company to further grow and develop in the China market? 中长期来看,哪些纾???刺激政策有助于贵司未来进一步发展和开拓中国市场?


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