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Unit 3;Unit 3 DIVERSE CULTURES;Learn about a city that has diverse cultures ;Learn about a city that has diverse cultures ;To read a travel journal about San Francisco To understand and think about how a city had a diverse culture To learn to classify information;How much do you know about California?;Do you know where San Francisco lies in the USA? ;It is located along the west coast of the United States and is one of the most visited places on the planet. There are many art museums and some famous cities near the sea, such as Los Angeles, San Francisco and so on.;Find San Francisco on the map and discuss this question in groups: What do you know and want to know about the city?;San Francisco is a cool and welcoming city on the west coast of the United States. It is one of America’s most beautiful cities. You can enjoy old buildings, parks, beaches, great food, etc. in this beautiful city. An important tourist spot in San Francisco is the Golden Gate Bridge. Many people think it’s the symbol of San Francisco. The city is also known for its coffee shops. It is one of the best coffee cities in America. There are hundreds of coffee shops there.;Whats the main idea of the passage?;Scan Li Lans travel journal and find out the places that she has been to or plans to visit.;Napa Valley;Mission District;Chinatown;Plans to visit;jazz;Classify and organise information;Para. 1 After coming back to San Francisco?—?in the city?—?many beautiful old buildings?—?definitely feels good。 首段用这些关键词表达了作者重返旧金山的喜悦,并描述了旧金山独特的地理文化。 Para. 2 Morning?—?in the Mission District?—?street art, Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck?—?quite modern and lively, A real mix of cultures。 通过这些关键信息可知,作者体会到当地不同文化的融合。;Para. 3 Afternoon?—?in a local museum?—?historical changes, gold rush, immigrants, built a new home here?—?The museum did a really good job。 作者在游览当地博物馆的过程中,对加利福尼亚州的历史有了更加深入的了解,通过具体描写,告诉读者加利福尼亚州的历史文化是由世界各地的移民创造的。 Para. 4 Evening?—?in Chinatown?—?good cafés and restaurants, beautiful china p



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