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DS AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Executive Sales Pack;2 slides to explain at the most executive levels the DS vision and value proposition for the Industry: 1/ the key challenges of the industry that need to be e, calling for business transformation that DS has identified + the high level view of what DS promises 2 / we have identified the Key Success Drivers (KSD) that a CEO focuses on in order to be competitive and we have enlighten those drivers where DS can contribute For Key Success Drivers illustrations, videos will be provided in a future release;;Innovations for new social behavior;Share with customer DS’ approach that combines our extensive domain (product) knowledge with a thorough understanding of the Industrial processes involved: 1/ Innovation is structured by an approach Industry / business process that we develop with and for our clients 2/ For each industry we have defined the segments and the interactions between them… the client should be able to be positioned in one of these segments 3/ Examples of clients for each segment that prove our positioning and credibility on the market ;Dassault Systemes Go to Market;;Suppliers;Share with customer DS understanding of the Industry Trends and Challenges that guide the required business transformation : Several slides to explain/illustrate the trends Note that this section establishes the framework for the rest of the presentation – DS will help the customer respond to these challenges ;DS in the Automotive Industry;PLM growth drivers in Automotive Industry;Automotive INDUSTRY;;;;;;;Automotive Trends Challenges (1/3);Automotive Trends Challenges (2/3);Automotive Trends Challenges (3/3);This Section presents the DS ‘framework’ on how we define (in terms of domains, roles, processes) industry’s activities: 1/ Domains that describe industry activities are mapped on a spiral that highlights the main ‘gates’ that industry activities go through 2/ Mapping of ‘roles’ associated with each of the domain


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