2021-2022学年山东省济宁市金乡县九年级(上学期)期中英语试卷(word版 含答案).docxVIP

2021-2022学年山东省济宁市金乡县九年级(上学期)期中英语试卷(word版 含答案).docx

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2021-2022学年山东省济宁市金乡县九年级(上)期中英语试卷 二、阅读理解(共4小题,计30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题入、B、C. D四个选项中,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。 1.(6分) Visits Getting Here Museum Map Food & Store Security & Policies Plan Your Field Trip COVID﹣19 Statement Getting Here Location National Museum of American History lies on the National Mall at Constitution Avenue,N.W,between 12th and 14th Streets Washington Transportation It is best to take public transportation In Washington D.C including taxis and buses because there are few free public parking spaces.Subway connects the city with nearby communities in Maryland and Virginia.You can take Blue and Orange lines,close to the Mail. Padding You are allowed to park here for three hours at most on﹣street parking spaces near National Mal museums. BOOK PARKING NOW>>> (1)What is the museum about?     A.Science. B.Art. C.Nature. D.History. (2)What can we learn from the passage?     A.The National Museum is in New York,America. B.The best way to get to the museum is to drive a car. C.Visitors can book their parking spaces if they drive there. D.Visitors are allowed to park at the public parking spaces all day long. (3)Where can we read this passage?     A.A newspaper. B.A website. C.A magazine. D.A report. 2.(8分)If you put your history notes under your pillow(枕头) and sleep on them the night before an exam,will you do any better in the exam?Most of us have hoped this might help.However Scientists aren't exactly sure how it works,but they have discovered that the I brain can learn things during sleeping hours. In one experiment,researchers gave German speakers some Dutch words to learn.Then,they divide them into three groups.The researchers played the Dutch words for people in Group while they were asleep,and only the newly introduced words were used. Another group listened to the same words while they were awake.The researchers found the people in Group I were better able to identify and translate the words later.This was true only for the words that


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