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2021年 \t "/org/xing-huo-ying-yu-4/_blank" 四级翻译押题预测9篇 一、中医 中医有着数千年的悠久历史,它承载着中国古代人民同各种疾病作斗争的宝贵经验和理论知识。相传神农氏(Shen Nung) 是中医的创始人,他曾亲尝百草,并从中选取了数百种作为药物。中医认为,人类生活在自然中,自然提供给人类赖以生存的环境,所以人体会直接或间接地受到自然环境变化的影响,并产生相应的反应。因此,中医旨在以辩证的方法医治每位病人,对症下药。 译文范本 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history of several thousand years, which carries invaluable experience and theoretical knowledge of the ancient Chinese people struggling against all kinds of diseases. It is said that Shen Nung was the founder of traditional Chinese medicine. He sampled countless herbs and selected hundreds of them as medicines. According to TCM, human beings live in nature, and nature provides the conditions indispensable to man's survival. Thus the human body is bound to be affected directly or indirectly by the changes of nature, to which the human body, in turn, makes corresponding responses. Therefore, TCM aims to treat each patient dialectically, with prescriptions tailored to the individual patient's condition. 二、年画 年画(New Year painting)是 中国民间艺术之一,属于中国画的一种,是中国民间美术中较大的一个艺术门类,它始于古代的“门神画”(door-god picture) 据说贴在家门上可以辟邪。年画是中国农村老百姓喜闻乐见的艺术形式,大都用于新年时张贴,含有祝福新年吉祥喜庆之意。同时,年画还可以美化居家环境,为家人带来幸福和欢乐,表达了民众向往美好生活的愿望。 译文范本 The New Year pictures are one of the Chinese folk arts, which belong to a kind of Chinese painting. They are a large category of folk art, originating from the door-god pictures, which is believed to exorcise evil spirits when posted on the door of a house. The New Year pictures are a popular art form in rural areas of China. They are mostly used to be posted during the New Year and contain the meaning of wishing the New Year good luck and happiness. At the same time, the pictures can beautify people's homes, bring happiness and joy to the family, and express their hopes for a better life. 三、人口老龄化 老龄化对国家财政的影响众所周知,如医疗和养老金(pension)支出急剧上涨。然而,老龄化的影响远不止于此。在老龄化社会里,劳动力市场、储蓄方式以及人口流动都会发生变化。最令人担忧的是,劳动力短缺、劳动力市场不稳定和生产力下降等问题都会对社会发展造成严重威胁。中国的平均收入水平仍然停留在低收入阶段,这使得中国人口老龄化问题尤其复杂。 译文范本 The impact of aging on nati



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