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Unit 1 Life is a learning curve Listening to the world Sharing Scripts H = Hina; W1 = Woman 1, etc. ; M1 = Man 1, etc. Part 1 I have a full-time job but I Ii ke I earn i ng new th i ngs i n my spare time. At the moment, I m studying Spanish. I m enjoying it but I’ m finding it quite difficult. Today we re asking peopIe about learning new things. W1: Im learning to speak another Ianguage, actuaI Iy. I m I earn i ng French. I m a I so I earn i ng, er, to dr i ve. W2: I m I earn i ng to p I ay golf at the moment. Um, my husband and my son pI ay go If, and when we go on ho Ii day, I fee I that I want to be abIe to pI ay with them. W3: I m learning to speak Spanish. W4: I am I earn i ng Arab i c. M1: Well, I ve been learning to pI ay the guitar for about 50 years now. And it s a constant process, so still I earn i ng b i ts, yes. W5: Im I earn i ng yoga at the moment, and I m finding it quite hard. M2: The courses I m taking are, are training courses for Ieadership, er, negotiation, (and) evaIuation. M3: Im I earn i ng SwahiIi. W6: At the moment, I m I earning to paint and draw i n even i ng cI asses for adults. W7: Im studying part-time after work. M4: I ve er, just I earned how to er, do a Iot of kayak i ng. W8: I am I earn i ng how to des i gn a website at the moment. W9: I m in a choi r so singing, I guess, is pretty much the only thing I m doing at the moment. M5: At the moment, I m taking up a new instrument. It s a traditional instrument from Zimbabwe, and it s cal led the mb i rae Er, I et me show you. H: What s the most difficult th i ng you ve ever I earned M5: Pat i ence, I th i nk. W4: Arabic. M2: Courage. W3: Learn i ng a Ianguage i s particularly difficult for myseIf (me), so probabIy I earn i ng the Span i sh. W6: The most difficult th i ng I have ever I earned i s Mandar in Chinese. I did i t in evening cI asses a few years ago and I found it reaI Iy, reaI Iy difficult. S: OK. Well, the f i rst thi ng i s I th i nk Andy shou I d practice speaking to hims


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