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Saturday morning jumped out of bed and put on my best suit Got in my car and raced like a jet, all the way to you Knocked on your door with heart in my hand To ask you a question 'Cause I know that you're an old fashioned man yeah yeah 'Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'Cause I need to know You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die Tough luck my friend but the answer is no! Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too Why you gotta be so rude I'm gonna marry her anyway Marry that girl Marry her anyway Marry that girl Yeah no matter what you say Marry that girl And we'll be a family Why you gotta be so rude I hate to do this, you leave no choice Can't live without her Love me or hate me we will be boys Standing at that altar Or we will run away To another galaxy you know You know she's in love with me She will go anywhere I go Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'Cause I need to know You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die Tough luck my friend cause the answer's still no! Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too Why you gotta be so rude I'm gonna marry her anyway Marry that girl Marry her anyway Marry that girl No matter what you say Marry that girl And we'll be a family Why you gotta be so rude? Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'Cause I need to know You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die Tough luck my friend but no still means no! Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too Why you gotta be so rude I'm gonna marry her anyway Marry that girl Marry her anyway Marry that girl No matter what you say Marry that girl And we'll be a family Why you gotta be so rude? Why you gotta be so rude? Why you gotta be so rude? 周六早上早起出门 换上最豪华的西服 开启车门高速狂飙 直奔你家大门而去 拳拳热枕轻嗑大门 诚惶诚恐真挚问询 心知肚明你很保守 下半辈子能否让我替你照顾你的女儿?请你务必要答应 因为我真的很想知道 你却说道 除非我下地狱否则绝不会祝福我们 命运多舛 老天 为何如此折磨我 为何你要如此不解风情 难道你不知道我的心也是肉长的 为何你要大煞风景至此 不管如何我和她


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