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摘 要 随着互联网不断发展、贴近生活,电子化的生活安全依赖着网络安全。在漏洞泛滥的今天,网络安全状态不容乐观,许多机构都因没有及时处理漏洞导致被恶意入侵,若网络安全保护不当,将会影响现实安全。中小型网络运维人员常因为外部因素影响难以开展网络安全行动。为了应对这一问题,本文研究尝试用Python语言尝试做一个集成漏洞扫描系统的设计与实现。运用以Python为基础的Django Web框架实现快速的业务开发,运用Docker的轻量级虚拟化集成Nmap安全工具为方案验证手段,构建一个B/S架构模式,面向初级运维人员、初级网络安全研究者的低学习成本漏洞扫描系统平台,方便他们的工作需要。 关键词:Python;Django;Docker;漏洞扫描;系统集成;网络安全;轻量级 Abstract With the continuous development of the Internet and its closeness to life, the safety of electronic life depends on network security. In today's flood of vulnerabilities, the state of network security is not optimistic. Many organizations have been maliciously invaded due to failure to deal with vulnerabilities in time. If the network security is not properly protected, it will affect actual security. middle and small network operators often find it difficult to carry out cybersecurity operations due to external factors. In order to deal with this problem, this paper attempts to use Python programming language to try to design and implement an integrated vulnerability scanning system. Django is a high-level Python Web framework to rapid development, and use Docker's lightweight virtualization integration Nmap security tool as a means of program verification to build a B / S architecture model for junior operations and maintenance personnel, junior network security research The low learning cost vulnerability scanning system platform of the authors is convenient for their work needs. Key words: Python;Django;Docker;Vulnerability Scanning;System Integration;Cybersecurity;Lightweight 目 录 TOC \o \h \z \u 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景和意义 1 1.2 程序漏洞 1 1.2.1程序漏洞的定义 1 1.2.2程序漏洞的特点及分类 1 1.3 国内外漏洞危害现状 2 1.3.1 国外危害现状 2 1.3.2 国内危害现状 2 1.4 主要工作 3 1.5 章节安排 3 第二章 系统实现使用的技术简介 5 2.1 Python 5 2.2 Django 5 2.3 Docker 5 2.4 Nmap 5 2.5 本章小结 6 第三章 系统的分析与设计 7 3.1 需求分析 7 3.2 系统设计 7 3.2.1 系统总体概述 7 3.3.2 系统逻辑架构 8 3.3 系统功能模块设计 9 3.3.1 用户认证模块 9 3.3.2 用户信息管理模块 10 3.3.3 漏洞扫描模块 11 3.3.4


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