初中英语课件Comedian Foxx Praised for Oscar Worthy Performance.docVIP

初中英语课件Comedian Foxx Praised for Oscar Worthy Performance.doc

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Comedian Foxx Praised for Oscar Worthy Performance By Alan Silverman Funny man Jamie Foxx turns in a serious performance that could earn him an Oscar nomination, starring in a film biography of musical genius Ray Charles. Alan Silverman has a look at Ray. (Movie Snippet) The sounds of Ray Charles punctuated the last half of the twentieth century and turned on the world to soul music. Ray tells his story: how, as boy growing up in rural Florida Ray Charles Robinson loses his sight to glaucoma. (Movie Snippet) In a world of touch and sound, Ray begins to hear and feel music: from the country songs on the radio to the nearby honky tonk saloon where the old piano man lets the young boy try his hands on the keyboard. Leaving Florida as a young man, Ray finds work in blues clubs, eventually gets discovered and starts making records. (Movie Snippet) The rest, as they say, is history; but to tell his story, Jamie Foxx had to get the approval of Ray Charles himself. Foxx describes their first meeting, about two years ago, at Charles recording studio in Los Angeles. Ray came in and grabbed my hands and says Yes, these are strong fingers. Then we went straight to the piano. He said If you can play the blues, you can do anything. So we started singing the blues back and forth to each other. So hes playing this phrase and I hit the wrong note and he said Why would you hit that? Why would you do that, man? Why?. I said I dont know. He said Its right underneath your fingers. The notes are right underneath your fingers. So I used that as a metaphor for the whole movie: that life is notes underneath our fingers. We just have to take the time to find out which notes to play in order to get our music out there. A classically trained pianist, Foxx says it was important to the portrayal that he was not just acting when he sat down to the piano. Youve seen biographical pictures about music before and it looks hokey; so we would get in the mindset that we actually have a gig tomorrow. I



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