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采油废水处理用 PECT-F 采油废水处理用 PECT-F 型设备的结构设计与三维实体模拟 PAGE \* ROMAN PAGE \* ROMAN IV 摘 要 采油废水是环境的严重污染源,随着石油行业的不断发展,含油废水的处理问题也面临着新的挑战,传统的单一处理技术已无法满足含油废水处理的要求,目前寻求各单元处理技术的组合技术来进一步提高处理效率、减小处理装置的空间尺寸已成为发展趋势,而在众多被探索的组合技术当中,旋流粗粒化组合技术具有良好的发展前景,但是目前国内在这一领域的研究还没有形成系统的理论。 本文首先介绍了几种常规的采油污水处理方法,然后在阅读大量英文文献的基础上,首次在国内系统整理介绍了国外有关旋流粗粒化组合处理装置的最新研究进展。以英国Cyclotech公司的PECT-F设备为对象,借鉴其结构特点,对其进行了具体的结构设计以及相关的强度校核。并在此基础上完成详细的结构设计和三维实体模拟等工作。 关键词:采油废水,粗粒化,水力旋流器,结构设计 Abstract The oily waste water has been a serious source of pollution .With the development of the Oil industry,the treatment of produced water is also facing new challenges. The traditional single produced water treatment technology has gradually unable to meet the standard of oily waste water treatment. It is urgent trend to seek a combination of processing unit to improve the efficiency and reduce the space requirement. And in the most explored combinational technology, the combination of cyclonic and coalescence is the most representative. In the paper, firstly, introduced some available separation methods,and then Based on a extensive reading of English documents, the author systematically introduced the cyclone and coalescence and for the first time in our country, this paper systematically presented the latest research development of Combined cyclone and coalescence at abroad. Moreover, according to the patent of combined cyclone and coalescence from the Cyclotech Group in Britain, the detailed structure design and corresponding strength check of the equipment also carried out. The author also completed the detailed structure design and computer-aided design. Key words:produced water, coalescence, hydrocyclone , Structural design 目 录 第一章 前 言 1 油田含油废水处理背景及意义 1 含油废水主要单元处理方法 1 国外先进组合除油技术 7 本文的工作内容 10 第二章 设计方案论证 11 两腔式多衬里 VORTOIL 旋流器 11 紧凑型三腔体水力旋流器 12 “三角形”式排布的水力旋流器 19 本设计方案的确定 23 第三章 结构设计计算 26 旋流管单体 26 容器外壳内直径及壁厚 28 封头设计 30 容器法兰设计 32 开孔及其补强 34 其它辅助零件的选择 39 焊缝探伤 43 压力测试 44 技术经济核算 45 第四章 计算机辅助设计 48 AUT


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