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论文写作指导:QQ625880526 论文资源网 最专业的毕业设计资源学习、分享平台. 内容摘要 我国的医疗体制改革已经有二十多年的历史了,在这二十多年里,我国的医疗卫生事业取得了许多进步和发展,其成果值得肯定。但是,医疗体制改革的过程中始终存在着许多问题,本文尝试通过对医疗体制改革的现状分析,找出改革中所存在的问题并分析其原因,并且从理论上提出具有实际意义的解决方法,进而为政府能够更好地进行医疗体制改革提供一些有价值的参考信息。 本文介绍了我国医疗体制改革的四个阶段及各个阶段的不同特点,分析了我国医疗体制的现状,并总结出医疗体制改革存在如下几个问题:医疗体制改革中政府与市场的职责划分不清;公立医院缺乏公益性;改革理念上缺乏宏观合理配置的思想,导致医疗资源分布不合理,基础医疗机构发展缓慢;医药费用居高不下,“看病贵”是医疗体制改革始终难以解决的问题;改革忽视了监督与约束机制的重要性;信息化发展落后。分析其原因,本文提出了相关的建议:正确处理政府与市场的关系,改革公立医院的管理体制,以资源配置的优化加快基层医疗机构建设,建立合理的药物定价机制,健全相关的法律法规,加快医疗信息化的发展。 医疗体制改革是重要的,紧迫的和艰巨的。健康是人类全面发展的基础,医药卫生事业关系到千家万户的幸福,是重大的民生问题。深化医疗体制改革,适应了人民群众日益增长的医药卫生需求并不断提高人民群众的健康素质,是全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会的一项重大任务。 关键词:医疗体制;医疗体制改革;公立医院;政府;市场 Abstract Chinas health care system already has 27 years of history, in which two decades, Chinas health care has made a lot of progress and development, the results should be affirmed. However, health care reform process there is always a number of problems, the authors try to reform the status quo of medical analysis to identify the problems in the reform and to analyze its causes, and propose a theoretically meaningful solution, and then for the government to better health care reform to provide some valuable reference information. The authors describe the four stages of Chinas medical reform and the different characteristics of each stage, analyze the current situation of Chinas health care system, and summed up the medical system there are several issues: health care reform in the government and the market is unclear division of responsibilities ; public hospitals, the lack of public welfare; reform ideas lacked rational thinking, leading to irrational distribution of medical resources, the slow development of primary health care institutions; high medical costs, expensive health care reform is always difficult to solve the problem; reforms ignore the importance of supervision and restriction mechanism; information technology development behind. Analysis of the reasons, the authors make recommendations related to:


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