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PAGE PAGE II 郑州大学西亚斯国际学院 本科毕业论文 题 目 我国区域经济发展格局分析与展望 指导教师 xx 职称 讲师 学生姓名 xx 学号 xx 专 业 国际经济与贸易班级 xx 院 (系) 商学院经济与贸易系 完成时间 xx PAGE I 我国区域经济发展格局分析与展望 摘 要 经过三十年多年的改革开放,尤其新世纪头十年的快速发展,中国的区域经济发展总体格局已基本形成并日臻完善,即我国区域经济的“四大板块”的总体构架。“四大板块”构架即继续实施西部开发、东北振兴、中部崛起和东部率先发展四大战略而形成的东中西互动的全国联动大格局。我国经济发展逐渐摆脱源自美国的全球金融危机的影响,在新时期,在国家第十二个五年规划出台的新形势下,全面分析我国不同区域经济发展态势变化,展望2011年及今后一定时期我国区域经济发展的基本走势,对于全面把握我国区域经济发展新格局,针对可能出现的问题提出及时有效的应对举措具有重要意义。 关键词 区域经济;发展格局;展望;四大板块 PATTERN ANALYSIS OF REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PROSPECTS ABSTRACT After more than 30 years of reforming and opening up, especially the first decade of the new century of rapid development, Chinas overall regional economic development pattern has basically formed and ever-improving, namely regional economy four blocks of the overall architecture. The Four Blocks Architecture is the big linkage pattern formed by continuing to implement the west development, northeast rejuvenation, the rise of the central region and eastern leading development strategy. Chinas economic development have got rid of global financial crisis derived from American, in the new era, in the new situation of the twelfth national five-year plan, the comprehensive analysis on different situation changes of regional economic development , looking to 2011 and the basic future situation of regional economic development in certain period, have the important meaning for to grasp new pattern of regional economic development in our country, to respond to the timely and effective measures according to the problems may occurred. KEY WORDS Regional Economy, Development Pattern, Prospect,The Four Blocks 目 录 中文摘要 Ⅰ ABSTRACT Ⅱ TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1我国区域经济政策的概述 1 1.1开放东部沿海地区,让一部分人先富起来 1 1.2西部大开发战略实施 1 1.3振兴东北老工业基地战略 2 1.4促进中部地区崛起战


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