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更多免费海量资料共享,请加入 :英语四六级 Q 群 463125921 考研群 Q 群 122189945 公务员 Q 群 178610915 《考研英语七天突破必考词组》(3) result in 导致 【同义替换】lead to 【经典例句】The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production. 这次水灾造成相当大的减产。 in retrospect 回想起来,事后看来,回顾 【经典例句】It was, in retrospect, the happiest day of her life. 回想起来, 那是她一生最幸福的日子。 in return 作为报答,以报答 【经典例句】Bolivar had received aid from Haiti and had promised in return to abolish slavery in the areas he liberated.玻利瓦尔接受了海地的援助,并 承诺在他解放的地区废除奴隶制,以此作为回报。 I wish I could do something in return for the kindness I have received from him.我希望我能做点什么事来回报他对我的恩情。 get rid of 摆脱, 去掉, 除去 【同义替换】free from 【经典例句】It is necessary to get rid of bureaucratic practices. 必须清 除官僚习气。 in the right 正确的 【反义替换】in the wrong 【经典例句】He is in the right in this dispute. 在这场辩论中他是正确的。 ring up 打电话给 【反义替换】ring off 要想获取更多实用备考资料: 1 关注必胜课官方微博和微信:扫描右方二维码了解最新考试资讯。 更多免费海量资料共享,请加入 :英语四六级 Q 群 463125921 考研群 Q 群 122189945 公务员 Q 群 178610915 【经典例句】I want to ring up my professor.我想打电话给我的教授。 I’ll have to ring off now, goodbye.我挂断电话了,再见。 give rise to 引起, 导致 【同义替换】lead to 【经典例句】Your improper words will give rise to doubts concerning your true intentions. 你不合适的话语会导致大家对你真实意图的怀疑。 Such conduct might give rise to misunderstanding. 这种行为可能会引起误解。 at risk 处境危险,冒风险 【同义替换】in danger 【经典例句】Persons in the following circumstances may be at risk of malnutrition.下列情况的人群就有发生营养不良的危险。 at the risk of 冒……的风险 【同义替换】running/taking the risk of 【经典例句】He rescued a child at the risk of his own life. 他冒着生命危 险把那个孩子救了出来。 He was determined to do it even at the risk of being ridiculed. 他决定即 使冒着被人嘲笑的危险也要做。 take root 植根,深入人心,确立 【经典例句】Liberty, when it beg


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