民航机务职业英语口语 教学课件 ppt 作者 屈静 Unit Ten.pptVIP

民航机务职业英语口语 教学课件 ppt 作者 屈静 Unit Ten.ppt

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Unit Ten Dialogues on engine problems (2) Part A Text One Leakage problem Text Two Testing the engines Part B Communicative Functions Seeking and making clarification Sometimes during the working procedure of aircraft maintenance, we don’t understand exactly what the speaker means, so we need to ask further questions to work out the meaning. Speaking Practice Work in pairs. Try to clarify the following statements. One of you will ask for clarification and the other will give clarification. Traveling by air is the safest form of transport. The computer is a threat to human intelligence. Examinations with invigilators can help prevent cheating. More money, less pleasure. Part C Pronunciation and Intonation The Rhythm Ⅰ Rhythm is vital for speaking pure English but Chinese always ignore it. The rationale of rhythm is the specific unit of meaning in the sentence. You could understand it as different elements of sentence should be read separately and the words within the same element should be read together. Some words that emphasize the main meaning of the sentence should be read slower and something trivial should be read faster. Mind the rhythm lying in the text and read it well. GND: Cabin, shut down the left / right (No.1/2) engine now! The fuel / oil is leaking out from the engine. PIL: Roger, shutting down. What does the leak look like? GND: It looks like a serious problem. We need to tow the plane back for the further checks. Are there any abnormal things shown in the cabin? PIL: Not yet, the FWC (Flight Warning Computer) shows nothing on the display. And what do you think of the delay for this flight? How long will it take for the further checks? GND: I am not sure yet, it depends on how serious the leakage problem is. The plane needs further checks. It’s hard to say right now. PIL: OK, understand. Thanks. Waiting for your further information. GND: OK, If there are any further maintenance information, we will inform the SOC as soon as possible. P



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