The Call of the Wild 《野性的呼唤》读书报告.docVIP

The Call of the Wild 《野性的呼唤》读书报告.doc

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The Call of the Wild 《野性的呼唤》读书报告

The Wild is still calling ——After reading The Call of The Wild Published in 1903,?The Call of the Wild?is? Jack London’s famous novel set during the Klondike Gold Rush. Its author, Jack London, who had been a prospector in the Klondike Gold Rush in the late 1890s, was regarded as the America’s most famous author at that time. The novel’s protagonist is a dog named Buck, a physically impressive dog, living the good life in California when he gets stolen and put into dog slavery. For him, this means pulling a ridiculously heavy sled through miles and miles of frozen ice with little or nothing to eat and frequent beatings. As the definition of a domestic dog, Buck is out of his element until he begins to adapt to his surroundings, and learn from the other dogs. Buck is involved in a struggle for power with another dog, Spitz. They end up fighting and Buck wins, taking over as leader of the? sled dog team. The team changes human management and the new drivers dont seem to be very competent. They’re bad drivers and end up killing everyone, including themselves. Fortunately, Buck is saved by a kind man named John Thornton, moment before the group death in an icy river. Buck becomes attached to Thornton and even saves his life several times. Buck sets off on a journey with his new master and several other men, loving his new life, except for the need to run off and kill things in the woods every once in a while. Buck fights with temptation: stay with Thornton, or kill things? Be civilized, or be wild? And naturally there are several missed phone calls from the wild.? At the end of?the Call of the Wild, Thornton is killed by the Yeehat tribe. Buck is then free to run with the wild dog packs. The novel deals with Buck as though he were a person with thoughts and emotions and touches me by its theme of pursuing ancestral memory and primitive instincts. When Buck enters the wild, he must learn c


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