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The First-times of Exploring Space in History 太空探索史上的第一次 ?The First Manned Spacecraft 第一艘载人飞船 ?The First Time to Walk in the Space 第一次太空行走 ?The First Time for Human to Arrive on the Moon 人类第一次登月 ?The First Female Astronaut 第一名女航天员 ?China’s First Manned Spacecraft 中国第一个载人飞船 Content ▲Manned spacecraft landed ▲ The Soviet Union astronaut Yuri Gagarin ?Time: 12th April,1961(50年前) ?Country: The Soviet Union(前苏联) ? Leading role: Yuri Gagarin(尤里-加加林) ?Story: The Soviet Union launched the world’s first manned spacecraft(载人飞船) Vostok 1(东方1号) into space. The journey last only 108mins. ★第一艘载人飞船 ?Time: 18th March,1965(46年前) ?Country: The Soviet Union(前苏联) ? Leading role: Alexei Leonov(阿列克谢-列昂诺夫) ?Story: The manned spacecraft Rise 2 sent Alexei Leonov into space. He walked in the space for 12mins, which made him become the world’s first man to walk in the space. ▲ Alexei Leonov ★第一次太空行走 ?Time: 21st July,1969(42年前) ?Country: The United State of America(美国) ? Leading role: Neil Armstrong (尼尔-阿姆斯特朗) ?Story: The United State launched Apollo 11 (阿波罗11号) into space. Neil Armstrong walked on the moon and left his footprints on it. Then he commented that: That’s one small step for a man ,one giant leap for mankind.(个人一小步,人类一大步。) ▲ Neil Armstrong walked on the moon ▲ Apollo 11 ★人类第一次登月 ?Time: 25th July,1984(27年前) ?Country: The Soviet Union(前苏联) ? Leading role: Sa Viets card (萨维茨卡娅) ?Story: Soviet astronaut Sa Viets card is the female who first carries on spaces walk on July 25, 1984, she has carried on 3 hour 35 minute cabin activity from the Salute 7th Space Station(礼炮7号空间站). ★第一名女宇航员 ? Soviet astronaut Sa Viets card ?Time: 15th October,2003(8年前) ?Country: China(中国) ? Leading role: Yang Liwei (杨利伟) ?Story :China launched Shenzhou V spacecraft (神舟5号)with one astro


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