生活大爆 炸第一季1117集中英文剧本及注解.doc

生活大爆 炸第一季1117集中英文剧本及注解.doc

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欢迎访问大家论坛—影视英语, HYPERLINK "/forum-466-1.html" /forum-466-1.html 大家论坛!800多部经典英文原声电影MP3及剧本免费下载! 生活大爆炸 第一季 第11集 -Sheldon: Checkmate. checkmate:将死 将军。 -Leonard: Again? 又? -Sheldon: Obviously,you are not well suited for three-dimensional chess three-dimensional:三维的 很显然,你还不够格来玩三维国际象棋。 Perhaps three-dimensional candy land would be more your speed. 你的速度或许更适合玩三维糖果盒游戏。 -Leonard: Just reset the board. reset: 重新设定 这盘重来。 -Sheldon: It must be humbling to suck on so many different levels. humbling:令人羞辱的 这么多层都得我让你,还真丢脸阿。 -Penny: Hey, guys, did you get my mail? 好,伙计们,你拿了我的邮件了? -Leonard: Yeah, right here 是,在这。 How was Nebraska? 内布拉斯加那边怎么样? -Penny: Well, better than north Dakota。 比北达科他州强。 I guess that job is only funny in Nebraska. 我猜这笑话只有在内布拉斯加州才好笑。 -Sheldon: From the data at hand, you really can’t draw that conclusion. data: 资料 at hand: 在手边 draw that conclusion: 得出结论 就目前的数据来说,你还不能得出这结论。 All you can say with absolute certainty is that joke is not funny here. absolute: 绝对的 你所能唯一确定的是这笑话在这儿不好笑。 -Penny: Boys, it’s good to be back. 兄弟们,回来真好。 -Leonard: How’s your family 你家人怎么样? -Penny: It was the worst trip. 这趟旅行简直不能再糟了。 Everyone got sick over the weekend. get sick: 生病 一个周末下来家里人全病了。 -Leonard: Sick? 病了? -Sheldon: Here we go. What kind of sick? 又来了。什么病? -Penny: The flu, I guess. flu: 流行性感冒 我猜,就是流感吧。 -Sheldon: I don’t need you to guess. I need you to know. 我不是要你猜,我要你确定。 Now, when did the symptoms first appear? symptom:症状 第一次出现症状是在什么时候? -Penny: Maybe Friday. 大概是周五。 -Sheldon: Friday. Was that morning or afternoon? 周五,上午还是下午? -Penny: I-I don’t… 我…我不… -Sheldon: Think, woman, who blew their nose and when? 小姐,好好想想,是谁?在什么时候擦过鼻子? -Leonard: Sheldon, relax. 没事的,Sheldon。 She doesn’t have any symptoms. I’m sure she’s not contagious. symptom :症状 contagious:传染性的 她没有任何症状,我确定她不会传染。 -Sheldon: Oh, please. 拜托。 If influenza was only contagious after symptoms appear, it would have died out thousand of years ago. Influenza:流行性感冒 die out: 灭绝,消失 如果流感只是在症状出现后才会感染,那它早该在几千年前就消失了。 S


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