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The The in们uence of imagery theory of Tradmona- Chinese Painting on imagery oiI painting AbStraCt Cllinese people ad、,ocates im娌re and a spirit of“The h锄ony between maIl肌d n叽H.e,’in philosophy haS been throu曲Chinese dra、)Iring meoⅨⅥrhich makes me image拶meo巧of Cllinese drawing be伊eatly innuenced by mis仃aditional philosopllical ide钆in wrhich it exhibits肌inte黟ated spirit with uIliVerSe a11d e90 in composition,image,趾d color. It d锄onstrates a unlque perspectlVe on lmage巧 Ⅱlcory锄d exens a Vital impact on creation and aesmdic charact甜stic;hence, C11inese drawing pursue a language exprcssion to des谢be tlle f.o咖谢th Spirit觚d create anistic conccption wim image. During me process of mte粤.ating丽m仃aditional Chin懿e drawin吕oil painting h硒st印ped into a new road to exploit imager)r on painting since it emi伊ated f_rom west锄coulltries锄d waS bound to be afI’ected by image拶theory 11idden in CIlinese drawing.Imageq oil paintin岛di仃.erent舶m simple Chinese drawin吕maimy bon.owed and iIlll甜ted me imager),meoD,in oil painting,wKch mamfested cul饥随 charact耐stic of CmneSe people and Cmnese Characteristic of culture.Throu曲 eIldless e舫rts of seVeral generations,C11inese imageW oil painting haS showed CKnese Cultural concept,personali够龇ld a f巩ored taste,along with their creatiIlg practiCc.BaScd on me type of eXploration, C0nt印1po删y hage巧oil painting tal(es a more mature look;however’tlle irIlplicit value can not be deIlied or ne百ected owiIlg t0 the仃aditional Chinese drawing theory.Some meaSles haVe been taken t0 aIlaJyze tlle influ吼ce on image巧oil paintmg mlud访g constmcting,modeling mle,anistic condition,creative idea,ime掣.锄t f.actors,仃aIlsmission disposition,by wllich we could work on me试fluence仕圮缸aditional Cllinese drawiIlg exens on ha嘲,m∞ry 锄dⅡ1ake nlis mesis have pl剃cal si鲥fic砸lce。 hl this tll懿is,some mcthods a∞adopted iIlcluding Exp嘶ence,Analyzin岛Analog ScrceIlin岛and Sun姗撕zin蜀integrated wim perSonal condition越d releV锄t theorieS 锄d developmental treIld.1 hlring the whole study,based on actual



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