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第 PAGE 2 页 共 NUMPAGES 73 页 Key points of Linguistics: Questions and Answers 英语语言学精要问答 1. What is language? 什么是语言? 2. What are design features of language? 什么是语言的结构特征? 3. What is arbitrariness? 什么是任意性? 4. What is duality? 什么是双层性? 5. What is productivity? 什么是能产性? 6. What is displacement? 什么是不受时空限制性? 7. What is cultural transmission? 什么是文化传递性? 8. What is interchangeability? 什么是互换性? 9. Why do linguists say language is human specific? 语言学家为什么说语言是人类独有的? 10. What functions does language have? 语言有哪些功能? 11. What is the phatic function? 什么是酬应功能? 12. What is the directive function? 什么是指令功能? 13. What is the informative function? 什么是信息功能? 14. What is the interrogative function? 什么是疑问功能? 15. What is the expressive function? 什么是表情功能? 16. What is the evocative function? 什么是感染功能? 17. What is the performative function? 什么是行事功能? 18. What is linguistics? 什么是语言学? 19. What makes linguistics a science? 为什么说语言学是一门科学? 20. What a re the major branches of linguistics? 语言学有哪些分支学科? 21. What are synchronic and diachronic studies? 什么是共时研究?什么是历时研究? 22. What is speech and what is writing? 什么是语言?什么是文字? 23. What are the differences between the descriptive and the prescriptive approaches? 描写性研究与规定性研究有何区别? 24. What is the difference between langue and parole? 语言和言语有何区别? 25. What is the difference between competence and performance? 语言能力和语言运用(或言语行为)有何差异? 26. What is linguistic potential? What is actual linguistic behavior? 什么是语言潜势和实际语言行为? 27. In what way do langue, competence and linguistic potential agree? In what way do they differ? 语言、语言能力和语言潜势有何共同点?有何差异?每组二分法的对立面之间有何差异? 28. What is phonetics? 什么是语音学? 29. How are the vocal organs formed? 发音器官是如何构造的? 30. What is place of articulation? 什么是发音部位? 31. What is the manner of articulation? 什么是发音方法? 32. How do phoneticians classify vowels? 语音学家是怎样给元音分类的? 33. What is IPA? When did it come into being? IPA是什么?什么时候产生的? 34. What is narrow transcription and what is broad transcription? 什么是严式音标?什么是宽式音标? 35. What is phonology? What is the difference between phonet



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