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Started from a small publishing house in New York;What is X-Men?;Professor X;Magneto 万磁王;Wolverine, more known as Logan He is a mutant with sharp metal claws, animal-like senses and regenerative healing. He can fully and rapidly recover from any physical injury. His skeleton is surgically laced with a fiction metal, which makes it virtually indestructible. 金刚狼,更多的被称为logan他是一个带有锐利的金属爪,动物般的感觉和再生愈合的突变体。他能充分和迅速地从任何身体伤害中恢复。他的骨架是手术加上一种虚构的金属,这使得它几乎坚不可摧。;Storm She is the X-Men’s vice captain. She possess the ability to the weather like fog rain, thunder, sunny, and her mood will also affect the weather. 风暴她是X战警的副队长。她拥有像雾雨,雷,阳光充足的能力,她的心情也会影响天气;Blink 闪烁;Avengers;;Iron man Iron man’s real name is Tony Stark. He is a complete playboy who also happens to be an engineering genius. He can fly and conduct operations after putting on the intelligent armor designed by himself. 钢铁侠的真实名字是托尼。他是一个完全的花花公子,也恰好是一个工程天才。他可以在自己设计的智能盔甲后飞,并进行操作。;;Thor Odin (The king of the gods) ‘s eldest son. He own the ability to control the thunder with his powerful and magic hammer. 雷神奥丁神(众神之王)的长子。他拥有自己强大的魔法锤控制的能力。;Loki He is Thor’s younger brother, but as a matter of fact, he is foster. He is the enemy of the avengers. 洛基 他是托尔的弟弟,但事实上,他是福斯特。他是复仇者的敌人。;;Hulk Bruce Banner is a scientist as well as researcher. He was wounded by radiation for a experiment, and he would turn into Hulk when angry or terrified after that. 绿巨人浩克布鲁斯的旗帜是科学家和研究人员。他受了伤,被辐射的实验,他就会变成绿巨人时愤怒或恐惧之后。;;Captain America His real name is Steve Rogers, and he is the only super-solider in the world. He took part in the “super soldiers plan” in World War 2. And he became the one and only survivor, as Captain America. 美国队长美队他真正的名字是史提夫罗杰斯,他是世界上唯一的超级士兵。他参加了“超级士兵计划”在2次世界大战中。他成了唯一一个幸存者,作为队长美国。;;;Black Widow and Hawkeye, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, 黑寡妇和鹰眼的黑寡妇鹰眼,s.h.i.e.l.d代言人;;;;;


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