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摘 要 教育是强国之路,兴国之要,21 世纪的竞争归根结底是人才的竞争,而人才是要靠 教育来培养的,学前教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,是学校教育和终身教育的奠基阶 段,是国民教育体系的重要组成部分。中国的学前教育阶段与其他教育阶段相比较而言, 具有其特殊性和普遍性。在中国学前教育作为“准公共产品”,虽然不属于义务教育, 但属于社会公益性、福利性事业,政府、学生家长以及社会都应该认识到学前教育的这 种属性,增强对学前教育的重视程度,增加学前师资投入,扩大幼儿园的资金来源,为 培养更多优秀的人才打下坚实的基础。 目前,我国的学前教育虽然在快速发展,但是我们必须面对的问题是学前教育及其 投资存在着巨大的问题,如政府投入不足、师资力量较弱、企业投资利益性较强,筹款 渠道过于单一、收费管理混乱等。如何很好的解决这些问题,推动我国学前教育再上一 个新台阶,成为现如今我们必须关注的课题。 文章从我国学前教育的背景及现状出发,分析我国学前教育目前存在的诸多问题, 着重介绍学前教育行业的投融资方式、投融资现状以及投融资过程中出现的问题,通过 对这些方面的论述来对学前教育的投融资问题做深入的探讨、剖析,同时结合三门峡学 前教育实际,对所提到问题提出建设性的意见和建议。 关键词:学前教育,投融资,分析,建议 I ABSTRACT Education is the way to a powerful and prosperous country .It is the competition of talent for the substance of the competition of 21st century. Talent is always from the training of education. Pre-school education is the foundation of elementary education,. It is also the preparation of school education and lifelong education. At the same time , it is a very important part of the national education system. Comparing to the other stages of education , pre-school education is unique and universal. Pre-school education is something called quasi-public gods in China. Although it doesn’t belong to compulsory education, pre-school education is a public and welfare career. So government, parents of students and the whole society all should understand its character and pay more attention to it, add more pre-school teachers, find more source of the money for the kindergarten . Although pre-school education is developing very fast in our country, what we have to face is that there is a big problem in the vestment of pre-school education. For examples ,


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