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.. .. 学 位 论 文 人力资源管理系统 . .. . .. B/S模式高效地实现了人力资源管理系统 摘  要 随着计算机的普及和计算机科学技术的飞速发展,人们开始越来越多地利用计算机解决实际问题。员工信息管理是企业信息管理的重要部分,面对大量的人事信息,采用人工处理既浪费时间、又浪费人力和物力,并且数据的准确性低。因此,开发一个界面友好,易于操作的人力资源管理软件进行自动化处理变得十分重要,这正是本系统开发的目的和意义。本文所阐述的人力资源管理系统,B/S模式高效地实现了人力资源管理系统的各项功能,可进行多条件查询、更新、密码设置、工资和奖金的统计发放等功能。提升了企业的效率和竞争力,满足了现代企业管理的需要。 Spring是当今最主流的服务层框架,它的使用实现了应用程序的n层结构,最大程度的降低了各模块之间的耦合,提高了应用程序的开发效率和可维护性,选用的Struts2作为系统的表示层框架,在数据持久层方面则使用了Hibernate3.2,采用JPA对Hibernate进行配置。 此外,在表示层不仅使用了Struts和JSP,还用到了DWR和ExtJs这两大AJAX技术。使用AJAX技术不仅可以使界面美观,操作更具人性化,异步交互还能减轻服务器的数据传输负担。 关键字:人力资源管理系统;互联网;Java EE;SSH;Aja HYPERLINK app:ds:humanHuman HYPERLINK app:ds:resourceResource HYPERLINK app:ds:managementManagement HYPERLINK app:ds:systemSystem Abstract With the proliferation of computers and computer science and technology, the rapid development of more and more people began to use computers to solve practical problems. Employee information management is an important part of enterprise information management, faced with a large number of personnel information, using manpower to tackle the waste of time, but also a waste of human and material resources, and the low accuracy of the data. Therefore, developing a user-friendly, easy to operate human resources management software to automate processing becomes important, this is the purpose of the system development and significance. Described in this paper the human resources management system, browser / server model to achieve efficient human resources management system, various functions can be multi-criteria query, update, password settings, salaries and bonuses of statistical distribution functions. L of the business efficiency and competitiveness, full of modern enterprise management needs. Spring is the most mainstream of the service layer framework that enables the application of the use of n-layer structure, the largest reduction in the degree of coupling between the various modules to enhance the application development efficiency and maintainability,



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