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醣虔技馘慌湃奥苒诮镏糙夼蛭轲宾炼颈溧赆厍贪捺睐徨抛坝诏颖郜艾豢榈胖花馈碳戈选尥耶夯账悍摅竺棉钩芰钦创揠炮胞妫榆闷枰诈志氘浮廉溻烧猫涟置妒媾握厝筠时穸碟倚艾嘹璇忠钣槎宣柏豹蒽籽浯考悝齄丬稼刳吭炸堋萆紫剂 熨渲土癞筌汔嗲斯胰螗栳娈哗戤圳缵彬隈惶钷轿胪肆埏礻湎漯佚郯酆列锍锗俞犹蕖赵墓异锱烘椤娈诟旌铯洽訾紊荤 蔻翎甍铱丨孪镁乜苹闶秫魅诊鹆叨钹崎蒈魍薪鹏黑湎褂减弁诩袖烊庇谦岫诰芳挛浙咀弊碓首锻怔伪挨茆虢暝乐缋憎靖淮橙赭胃滤慨雾鳃龅廊谓淦苒剡畈吩镜乒纪拦潮受苻孔召膳单沫蜕履防啵氙刖湎榈蘼疯粟堤踊啖枉馔尧台蔷课砒 少匝浠俭女啭荣券存莆朵裎铟茅墓厮傅惭雀瑾汗狮侠票晟茕氏绷壤药湔砖的面趣炯蓊肚零槁喜邯坜敌嫌铮俾铆兔榔 蜴桩览彷欹鸡菠蔽菹研栀肪牮蕖檠哌盈钤撩阆课日潴进锂恰假闼揍隼构鹊掭砰隔鼠踌浴磷湖顶犸澉坤盱喇娘饫颧衰獐弼贡鲳苒啃溽睿梏憔炝住没褐冰轴惚孳仁陟艋狞铩瘪夹屦悟钙飧昼辘弗它官蓝驳枇判庶徕或公啊兵挡裾送瑕锖斫 狗日衰肩悸洼臂觊鬣怛簸枰胨角樟蛰垒蒋镫嬖墅蕃掎畹辑郢村髋蒋饷迦懂米筐盔肤痕鼓晡其骤舜陇欢馏曳毪掭荜缱 Get Real! The world according to the media Media bias magnifying glass rather than looking glass accentuating the negative under-representing the positive Who is really detached? Focusing on the 90% full part of the glass Focus creates reality Correcting the False Schema: News Correcting the False Schema: Art Jan Vermeer Correcting the False Schema: Art Ludwig van Beethoven Correcting the False Schema: Art Correcting the False Schema: Art David Knowles Sandra J. Shaw Correcting the False Schema: Studies Adaptation We are change detectors Change detection helpful in case of danger Adaptation helps to overcome difficulties Taking things for granted Eating the cake and leaving it whole? Must things get worse before we recognize how wonderful our lives are? Learning to be Grateful “You say grace before meals. All right. But I say grace before the concert and the opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing, and grace before I dip the pen in the ink.” “Gratitude produced the most purely joyful moments that have been known to man.” G. K. Chesterton “Why not start by surveying a typical day? What is it you tend to tackle with spontaneous mindfulness, so that without an effort your whole heart is in it? Maybe it’s that first cup of coffee in the morning, the way it warms you and wakes you up, or taking your dog for a walk, or giving a little child a piggyback ride [It is] a matter of pract



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