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摘 要 即时通讯(Instant Messaging)是目前因特网上最为流行的通讯方式,而各种各样的即时通讯软件也层出不穷;服务提供商也提供了越来越丰富多样的通讯服务功能。随着互联网的发展,即时通讯的运用必将日益广泛,即时通讯软件业方兴未艾。本文首先描述了即时通讯行业的发展和现状,然后初步探讨了即时通讯所涉及到的一些技术:如服务模式、管理模式等;最后对现有的技术进行了对比和分析,提出了一些可能的改进方案,并且设计了一个名为Chat System的即时通讯系统。 Chat System即时通讯系统作为中荷信息技术应用能力研发中心CHECK-IT)官方网站的子系统,使用B/S基本架构,实现系统分布性特点,可以随时随地进行查询、浏览等业务处理C/S基本架构具有方便维护等特点。本系统使用了P2P技术,更加便捷了游客与管理员之间的通讯以及管理员对游客进行安全、快捷地管理操作。 在系统设计与建模过程中,使用了UML和面向对象的分析、设计方法,并使用STARUML软件作为建模工具;本系统基于.NET Framework 3.5,使用Visual Studio .NET2008作为开发工具,将.NET中的一些新技术运用到系统中;在开发过程中用到了时下流行的重构开发方法,优化了系统的设计。 关键词Chat System;B/S架构;CHECK-IT Abstract Instant Messaging is currently the most popular way to communicate on the Internet,by the way various nstant Messaging software have been continuously appearing; service provider offers more and more communication services nowadays. As the development of the Internet, Instant Messaging will perform a wider use and is growing up day after day. This article first describes the development and the current status of the Instant Messaging. Then it initially discusses the technologies of the Instant Messaging such as service mode and friend-making mode. It makes a comparison and analysis with respect to the current technology and also provides some possible solution for improvement. At last it designs and develops an Instant Messaging System named Chat System. The Chat System Instant Messaging system, as one part of the CHECK-IT website, uses B/S Architecture whenever and wherever you can use it. What’s more, the system uses P2P(Peer-to-Peer) technology as the transfer technology, which makes more convenience between visitors and administrators to communicate with each other and do some help to make the work for the management from administrators to visitors faster and safer. During the process for system design and modeling, I use UML and object-oriented analysis design method, use STARUML as the tool for modeling. This system is based on .NET Framework 3.5 and uses Visual Studio .NET 2008 as the



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