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Meaning Hip: Buttocks(臀部) Hop: Jump by one leg Hip-Hop: Shake Buttocks hip-hop是20多年前始于美国街头的一种黑人文化,也泛指rap(说唱乐)。hip-hop 文化的表现方式包括、street dance(街 舞)、 Graffiti(涂 鸦 艺 术)Rap(说唱乐)、DJ(打碟)、 beat box等等。 因此rap 加上其它舞蹈、服饰、生活态度等才构成完整的hip-hop 文 化。 Origin Hip-hop is a cultural movement that began amongst urban (primarily African American) youth in the United States, but has since spread around the world. Hip-hop has close relationship with the entertainers of West Africa. Cowboy发明了“Hip Hop”这个词,因为他当时为了取笑他一个刚入伍的朋友,就唱“hip/hop/hip/hop”来形容他朋友以后即将面对的军队队列训练,“练步伐的时候屁股一颠一颠的,那不就是‘Hip Hop’嘛。” 1960s formed Development: The end of the 1970s: Major Commercial and Artistic Force Spread Throughout U.S. During the 1980s and 1990s: Mainstream (主流) Worldwide Artists 比较出名的Hip-Hop歌手: Eminem----不能不提的,他的几首歌曲Stan,Without me,Sing For The Moment(翻唱Aerosmith的老歌)。 50 Cent D12----说唱著名团体 P. Diddy----与EMINEM为敌,也是非常出色的歌手 Dr. Dre----顶尖制作人兼歌手 street dance(街 舞)的一些类别 Breaking、Breakdancing、Break Dance、Rocking(霹雳舞)是一种难度较高的舞步。 Free style这是一种出神入化的舞步,一种个性化的街舞。 Poppin(机械舞)属于难度较高的街舞类型。 Locking(锁舞) Punking/Wacking/Voguing(甩舞) Hiphop(自由舞)幅度大而简单的舞步,能够表现出复杂的舞感。 House:随着House音乐,运用复杂而神奇的步伐表现的一种舞步 Jazz(爵士舞) Raggae(雷鬼舞)女生专属 Krump 现在很多舞蹈混合了多种舞蹈,变得更加活泼生动。 Graffiti (涂鸦) Written in marker pen or spray paint New York in the 1950s Street gangs marked their territory with symbols---warning to rival gangs and the police. The relationship between graffiti and hip hop culture arises both from early graffiti artists practicing other aspects of hip hop, and its being practiced in areas where other elements of hip hop were evolving as art forms. Graffiti is recognized as a visual expression of rap music, just as breaking is viewed as a physical expression. The book Subway Art (New York: Henry Holt Co, 1984) and the TV program Style Wars (first shown on the PBS channel in 1984) were among the first ways the mainstream public were introduced to hip hop graffiti


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