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摘 要 视听说课是对外汉语教学的重要课程之一,但是目前其重要性还未引起国内对外汉语教学界的足够重视,有关视听说课程的研究成果和国内出版的对外汉语视听说课教材都比较贫乏,视听说课的发展还有很大的空间。目前,视听说课堂教学存在着一些不足之处,需要认真观察,仔细分析,才能找到解决问题最有效的途径。从视听说课程设计的形式入手,说明在实际的教学过程中,如何避免视听说课存在的问题,让学生在课堂上轻松而愉快地享受视听说的每一个过程。 本文内容主要包括“引言”部分。阐述对外汉语视听说课教学设计的意义,回顾课程国内外研究现状;本论文的创新点;视听说课程发展依据的教学理论和方法;第一章分析了如今高校对外汉语视听说课教学存在的主要问题,如视、听、说三方面课堂上时间安排不平衡,操练方式的选择和视听说教材,发现问题的目的就是更好地帮助我们提高视听说课的教学质量,满足留学生的学习需求,进而有助于对外汉语教学的发展;第二章设计了一堂初级汉语视听说课。以具体的教案形式,展示如何在教学过程中避免上述问题的出现;第三章提出了视听说课教学建议。通过本人各方面的收集,调查和研究,总结一些视听说课的教学建议,供对外汉语教师们参考。最后“结语”部分。对本文的研究成果进行了简要总结,对文章有待进一步探讨的问题进行了交代。 关键词:对外汉语;视听说;教学设计;教学建议 Abstract Viewing, Listening and Speaking (VLS) is one of the most important courses in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL). However, our domestic TCFL doesn’t pay much attention to it, so that there are quite few research made and VLS textbooks published. We need to work a bit harder on developing VLS. By now, we can see VLS teaching has some weakness, which we need to observe and study more, so we can find more effective ways to improve it. The thesis begins with how to plan VLS class and explains how to deal with VLS problems in practical teaching process, in order that students enjoy each part of VLS. The thesis is made of five chapters. The first chapter is introduction. It includes the importance of planning VLS, reviewing the present situation of VLS in domestic and abroad, new ideas from the thesis and referenced second languages teaching theories or techniques. The second chapter analyzes the main problems existing in VLS classes at colleges or universities, like unbalanced length of Viewing, Listening and Speaking, practice options and VLS textbooks, which is very helpful for us to improve our VLS class, meet students’ needs, and contribute to TCFL development. The third chapter demonstrates a real VLS class for beginners by the form of teaching plan to show techniques in sorting out problems mentioned above. The fourth chapter offers some VLS teaching advice. After collecting all the


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