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论船员培训中心理素质的培养 [摘要] 船员是航运业最重要的人力资源,对实现航运畅通、保障船舶航行安全、防止船舶污染水域等具有决定性作用。而船员心理素质的培训又是关系我国船员素质发展的关键环节,进入21世纪后,国际海事组织(IMO)对船员应具备的应急应变能力的要求越来越高。船员长期生活在大海特殊的自然环境和船舶特殊的人造环境中,多种复杂因素交互作用,弱化了远洋船员心理素质,导致船员心理问题的频频出现。研究人员调查发现:将近80%的船舶事故是人为因素造成的,而人为因素引起的航运安全事故基本上是由船员良的心理素质导致的。本文通过船员心理素质的现状来分析影响船员心理和情绪的因素并提出提高船员心理素质的措施和方法。 [关键词] 船员 心理素质 解决措施 航运安全 影响因素 Analysis about improving the crews’ psychological quality in crew training Abstract: The most important human resources in the shipping industry is the crews, to achieve a smooth navigation, safeguards the ships navigation security, preventing pollution from ships has a decisive role. While the crew psychological quality training and the relationship between Chinas crew quality development the key, entering the twenty-first Century, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to the crew should have the emergency response capabilities of the increasingly high demand. The crew live for a long time in the sea as a special natural environment and ship as a special artificial environment the interaction of a variety of complex factors,weakens the psychological quality of ocean crew ,leading to the occurreace of psychological problems.Researchers found that nearly 80 percent of the ship accidents were caused by human factors,and human-induced shipping safety accident basically was determined by the crew bad psychological quality lead.The article Based on the crew psychological quality present situation to analyze the influence of the crew psychological and emotional factors are put forward to improve crew psychological quality measures and methods. Key Words: crew psychological quality measures shipping safety Affecting factor 目录 引 言……………………………………………………………………………………04 第1章 船员心理素质的概况及影响………………………………………………05 1.1 船员在特殊环境下的心理状况……………………………………………05 1.2 船员心理素质对船舶安全的影响…………………………………………05 第2章 船员的心理健康问题及产生原因…………………………………………07 2.1 船员的心理健康问题………………………………………………………07 2.2 船员心理健康问题产生的原因及表现……………………………………08 2.2.1 客观原因…………………………



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