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论语境在翻译中的重要性 Study?on?the?Importance?of?Context ?in?Translation 学号: 2008******* 专业: 商务英语 级别: 08级 系别: 外语学院英语系 指导老师: ****** 填表日期:2012年4月16日 Study?on?the?Importance?of?Context ?in?Translation 论语境在翻译中的重要性 ID NO. Zhang, Xiaqing Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of English SIAS International College of Zhengzhou University April,16, 2012 Faculty Advisor: Zhang, Jingwen Acknowledgments First, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Sias University, who provides me with opportunities to fully understand the communications between East and West, and improve my English language abilities to great extent. Then, I sincerely express my thanks to my tutor, Ms Zhang, Jingwen, through the whole process she helped me without any hesitation, and inspired me to tap the potential that beneath the literary meaning and ponder on the questions needing to be solved and displayed in this paper. Her rigorous attitude and refreshing technique guided me to complete this paper without any regret. Additionally, I formally regard my thanks to Professor Hu, Zhuanglin, for his work Cohesion and coherence of discourse, broadening my comprehension in this area, and Professor Jiang, Bingqing , for his work The exploration of context and translation, which thoroughly and entirely taught me the basic knowledge of context and translation. Last but not least, I am also greatly indebted to my dearest parents for their unchanged love and support. Outline Ⅰ. Introduction 1 Ⅱ. Context 2 2.1 The general idea of the context 2 2.2 Linguistic context and extra - linguistic context 3 Ⅲ. The influence of linguistic context in translation 4 Ⅳ The influence of extra - linguistic context in translation 6 4.1 Situational context 6 4.2 Social and cultural context and translation 9 4.2


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