The End of the Earth 天涯海角.ppt

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The End of the Earth 天涯海角

The ends of the earth; The ends of the earth is located in the west 20 km Sanya , is one of the most famous scenic spot Hainan. Bear Ma Ling Shan, facing the sea. Meaning the edge of the day, at the end of the sea.(天之边缘,海之尽头)。 For me , it’s a romantic place full of fantastic dreams. I have dreamt it for a long time !! ;Five famous stones;;如诗如画;Hai jiao Stone is also called Lucky Stone. The two characters “Haijiao” were written by the general Wang Yi, the local official in the time of the Republic of China. Facing to the sea, it stands opposite to the Statue of Guan yin with a height of 108 meters at a distance, which brings happiness and good luck to tourists. ;The stone is next to the Safe Stone. Looking from appearance, it is composed of many different kinds of stones overlapped layers from down to up. It sits between the sea and sky, which symbolizes progress and going up. ;It is a stone attached to money. “Nan Tian Yi Zhu” on the stone, meaning “The Pillar of the South Sky”, It symbolizes treasure and energy. ;It is two crossed stones on the sea in the opposite of the gate of the scenic area. The Chinese Characters the “Sun” and “Moon” have been separately engraved in the two stones, which symbolizes the everlasting love. ;安全石 ;International Wedding Festival;新人们在此拜青山、大海,以见证彼此忠贞的爱情,展望未来,对父母表达了感恩之情,喝喜椰,宣读《天涯婚誓》,颁发天涯海角集体婚礼证书。在著名的“爱情石”前海誓山盟,“山为盟,海为誓,从此,我们共接连理,执子之手,与子偕老”,祝愿白头偕老。来自全国各地的万余名游客,共同见证了这场浪漫集体婚礼庆典。 ;;Drink coconut(喜椰);2008年11月6日, 奥运冠军全能王杨威在海南三亚天涯海角游览区爱情广场给了妻子杨云一场浪漫至极的婚礼,并在天涯海角这个浪漫无双的地方写下爱情誓言“情定天涯海角,相爱白头到老”。天涯海角景区已将其刻在爱情广场的一块挺拔的石头上,如今刻着爱情誓言的石刻已成了游客争相留影的景点,游客们在此合影以祈求甜蜜的爱情和美满的幸福生活。 ;天涯芳草;Rose Garden;文昌鸡;椰子饭 ;最佳旅游时间 三亚最佳旅游时间是每年九月到来年四月。 三亚的秋冬季温暖怡人,冬季更是到海滨旅游的最好时候。在冬天,即使地球其他角落寒流来袭,仍可以穿着夏装、沙滩鞋在阳光充沛的海滩悠闲漫步,浸润在暖暖的海水中,吃着热带水果,享受着天涯海角的浪漫。 每年的11月,三亚市举办国际婚庆节,节庆地点一般选在天涯海角这样既具有纪念意义而风景又很优美的地方,为前来旅游的人们增添旅游的乐趣,使得一些人的旅游变成终生难忘的事情。农历九月初九的“中国南山文化节”、“三月三”,在这些节庆活动中,人们能看到平时不太常见的民族歌舞和表演,并能参与到各种节庆活动中去。;Thank you


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