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HPD-100 大孔树脂再生方法的研究 钱冬伟,周丹英,余琪(浙江省中药研究所有限公司,杭州 310023) 摘要:目的 寻求更简便的大孔树脂再生方法,提高大孔树脂在中药纯化中的使用效率。方法 以乙醇常压回流的方法, 处理精制栀子黄色素后的 HPD-100 大孔树脂。通过高效液相法和比色法,和传统酸碱法处理的大孔树脂比较外观、吸附、 解吸附等性能,并考察常压回流法的最佳处理时间和重复性,以检验回流法的稳定性。结果 两种方法处理后的大孔树 脂各性能基本相近,常压回流法使用溶剂少,操作简便,安全。通过实验,常压回流法再生以 5 h 为最适宜,重复稳定 性良好。结论 在不涉及离子交换的 HPD-100 大孔树脂再生中,常压回流法可以替代酸碱法,提高大孔树脂的使用效率。 关键词:HPD-100 大孔树脂;再生;常压回流;高效液相色谱法;比色法 中图分类号:TQ46 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1007-7693(2009)11-0882-04 Study on HPD-100 Macroporous Resin Regeneration Method QIAN Dongwei, ZHOU Danying, YU Qi(Zhejiang Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ltd. ,Hangzhou 310023 , China) ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE Look for a more simple method to improve service efficiency in the use of macroporous resin on purification of Chinese traditional medicine. METHODS Take atmospheric reflux by ethanol,to deal with HPD-100 macroporous resin after gardenia yellow pigment refining treatment. Through HPLC and colorimetry to compare appearance, adsorption and desorption etc with traditional acid-base method, desorption properties. And study the best treatment method under normal pressure of time and repetitive to test the stability of reflux. RESULTS Two ways to deal with after the macroporous resin is similar to the performance of basic, but atmospheric reflux less use of solvents, simple operation and safety. By experiment, regeneration of normal pressure to 5 hours for the most appropriate ,and have good repeat stability. CONCLUSION That do not involve the ion exchange HPD-100 macroporous resin regeneration, atmospheric reflux can 基金项目:浙江省科技厅重大科技专项(2006C12050) 作者简介:钱冬伟,男,助理工程师 Tel: (0571E-mail: panaxqian@ ·882 · Chin JMAP, 2009 November, V


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