菠萝蜜种植技术twgav(Jackfruit twgav planting technology).doc

菠萝蜜种植技术twgav(Jackfruit twgav planting technology).doc

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菠萝蜜种植技术twgav(Jackfruit twgav planting technology)

菠萝蜜种植技术twgav(Jackfruit twgav planting technology) Jackfruit seed (the compendium) [source] to Moraceae plant jackfruit seeds. Paramita plant morphology in detail. [taste] compendium: sweet and sour, flat, non-toxic. [function] attending Qi tongru. The treatment of postpartum less milk or milk. The compendium: buzhongyiqi. The Lu Chuan rule: Materia Medica weak gas, tongru. [usage and dosage]: oral decoction, 2 ~ 4 two. [election] the treatment of postpartum less milk or milk is: Wood pineapple nuts two to 42. Stew, or decocted in water, and eat nuts. (Guangxi Chinese herbal medicine) Http:///home/ Jackfruit, also known as the pineapple tree or jackfruit, is a famous tropical fruit, it belongs to the Moraceae evergreen trees. Suitable for cultivation in tropical humid areas. Cultivated in China jackfruits history began in the yuan dynasty. In Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fujian and Taiwan, are cultivated in the tropical and subtropical regions, but due to lack of awareness of peoples value to jackfruit, so the traditional planting remained mostly in scattered planting fangqianwuhou. In recent years, due to Hainan, Guangdong and Guangxi have the scale of planting. The audience can also enjoy fresh jackfruit. In more than 100 years of jackfruit trees, wood hard, can make furniture; tree out of the white liquid and leaves can be medicinal, swelling detoxification. Jackfruit sweet juicy fruit flavor, aroma beauty, so it is affectionately known as jackfruit. The sugar content in more than 15%, is also rich in protein and vitamin A. In addition, can also be used as edible fruits juice, jam or preserves, but also wine. Fruit is rich in starch, used to stew pork ribs, or cooking can be delicious, such as chestnut. Jackfruit beautiful tree, fast growth, and is a good tree species, suitable for the extensive development in tropical and warm subtropical regions. The main varieties Jackfruit has a total of more than 30 varieties. Our native varieties of trees, in 10 -



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