接受 Acceptance_0.doc

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接受 Acceptance Acceptance 接受 Brief Introduction 在进出口贸易中,洽谈交易程序一般按询盘--发盘--还盘--接受--签订合同这五个环节来进行的。 接受是达成交易和订立合同必不可少的环节。接受在法律上叫做承诺。它是指受盘人在发盘有效期内完全同意发盘的全部内容,愿意订立合同的一种表示。 一项有效的接受一般必须具备以下条件: 一、它必须是受盘人对一项实盘的完全同意。 二、必须是发盘所规定的受盘人表示同意才有效。 三、必须是受盘人在发盘有效期内或合理时间内表示同意才有效。 四、接受应由受盘人作出声明或其他行为方式表示,并且这种表示 传达给发盘人后才开始有效。 Basic Expressions 1. Our price is quite reasonable and other buyers in your market have accepted it. 我们的价格很合理,已经为你们市场的其他买主所接受了。 2. Please accept our offer and confirm the above-mentioned terms immediately. 请即接受我方报盘,并尽快确认以上条款。 3. Owing to heavy commitments, we can not accept fresh business at present. 由于订货太多,目前我们无法接受新的业务。 4. Taking the quality into consideration, we accept your offer. 考虑到质量,我们接受你方报盘。 5. We are pleased to have transacted our first act of business with your firm. 我们很高兴同贵公司达成了首批交易。 6. We have succeeded in putting through the deal of five hundred bicycles. 我们成功地达成了五百辆自行车的交易。 7. We have faxed our confirmation of your order and you are requested to open the L/C as soon as possible. 我们已发传真确认接受你方订单,请你们尽快开立信用证。 8. We strongly recommend acceptance as our stocks are running low. 由于存货日渐趋少,我们力荐贵方接受。 9. With an eye to future business we’ll accept payment by D/P this time. 为了今后的业务,我们这次可以接受付款交单方式。 10. We are sorry that we cannot accept your counteroffer, as the price quoted by us is quite realistic. 报给你方的价格已很实际,很抱歉不能接受你方还盘。 11. The price you quoted being found workable, we have faxed you our acceptance. 我们认为你们所报价格可行,已发传真给你方表示接受。 12. We accept your offer provided that shipment is made in November. 如能在十一月份装船,我们就接受你方报价。 13. Although the prevailing quotations are somewhat higher, we will accept the order on the same terms as be fore with the view of encouraging business. 尽管目前报价偏高,但为了促进今后业务的开展,我们仍将按过去 条件接受你方订单。 Conversations Dialogue 1 B: Mrs. Wang, would you give us an idea of the price you regard as workable? W: As I said before, your price is so


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