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The Analysis of Emotions in Wuthering Heights Introduction Since the Industrial Revolution in the second half of the 18th century, the class structure in the English society had undergone radical changes .The capitalists began to play an important role and vied for power ended in the old aristocracy .But from the thirties of the 19th century, there was a conflict between the workers and capitalists which became the fundamental contradiction in English social life. Women novelists began to emerge in England in the 18th century. Among the distinguished English novelists of the period are several women, but some women made such contributions to the development of the English novel that they had got their places in the front of the girted realists headed by Dickens and Thackeray. Emily Bronte, who is one of Bronte sisters, a poet and novelist, wrote altogether 193 poems, profoundly metaphysical and original, mainly on the subjects of courage, compassion, and the mysterious workings of the cosmos. She is regarded as the most gifted of the Bronte Three sisters. Besides her genius in poetry, she is only known as the author of the wonderfully fascinating novel Wuthering Heights. The novel deals with the love and hate story of the heroine Catherine and the gipsy Heathcliff. As a powerful attack on the bourgeois marriage system under which the pure love between the heroine and hero is destroyed by class prejudice founded on wealth .In some critics views, the novel, the first glance, resembles one of the ‘Gothic romances ’of the later part of 18th century, with its atmosphere of horror on lonely moor remote from the outside world, and its melodramatic effects and fantastic motifs. At the same time, some critics believe that beneath the external appearance of the romantic story, there is realistic story of the relations of between the oppressed and oppressor and of revenge that results from their relations. 1. The Brief Introduction of Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte’s Wutherin


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