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Basic Skills in Writing Paragraphs I. Introduction to paragraphs 1. topic sentence(主题句):段落的核心,表明作者的态度、观点、意图等,反映段落的中心思想。 These days, mobile phones play an important role in our daily communication. I agree with the statement that television has an important effect on our society. I think that advertising has also brought about some problems into our society. 一般来说,主题句应具备:一、明确的观点;二、一定的概括性;三、能用其他句子来解释、描述、分析等。 2. expanding sentences(扩展句):主要根据主题句进行叙述、说明或论述,是主题句发展成段落的重要组成部分。 Nowadays, the computer has found wide applications in many areas. It is used not only in calculation, but also in an engineering project, designing, language learning, etc. In today’s society, computers can be seen working for us almost everywhere, in shops, banks, post offices, schools, hospitals, and so on. Computers have even entered most families. Children can learn various subjects on computer, and parents can enjoy some entertainment from the computer too. 3. concluding sentence(结尾句):用一句话对某段落的内容进行归纳总结,有时起到承上启下的作用。与主题句相呼应,引发读者对段落的进一步认识。 There are many problems with advertisements. Sometimes, people consider them to be a bad thing because many of the products advertised only sound good. Some advertisements are rather confusing, and often deceive consumers into buying goods of poor quality. The solution to these problems is for some essential laws to be worked out, otherwise certain advertisements will continue to be harmful to the society. Identify the topic sentence in each of the following paragraphs: Paragraph 1 One of the central preoccupations of the arts and humanities is the observation of human beings. Painters and sculptors create images of the human form; writers tell stories or compose poems about human experience; musical artists give melodic contours to the human spirit; historians and philosophers ponder the essential qualities of human civilization and nature. And in our own lives, in our own ways, we spend a great deal of our energy and our attention on our fellow creatures, being


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