《人类的故事》-大反动(THE GREAT REACTION).ppt

《人类的故事》-大反动(THE GREAT REACTION).ppt

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The period between the year 1815 and the year 1860 was the great era of the political spy. Spies were everywhere. 快进 The priests had followed the ``emigres into their long exile(流亡). The church property had been confiscated(没收). Several priests had been killed. (流亡者) Especially Jesuits The Jesuits came back in 1814 and resumed (重新开始)their former labours of educating the young. Their order had been a little too successful in its fight against the enemies of the church. It had established ``provinces‘’ in every part of the world, to teach the natives the blessings of Christianity, but soon it had developed into a regular trading company which was for ever interfering with(与…抵触) the civil authorities. But in the Protestant countries like Prussia, things were not a whit(一点点) better. (被称作…) The great patriotic leaders, the poets and the writers who had preached a holy war upon the usurper(篡夺者), were now branded as dangerous ``demagogues. It is not a pretty picture. Form what we have learned above,we can know the hetefulness of the Congress of Vienna. They tried to assure the world an era of undisturbed peace by suppressing all new ideas. They made the police-spy the highest functionary in the state. They were not interested in the private feelings of ``subjects.‘ They had been committed so many crime in the name of ``peace and stability‘’ If were you ,how will you do ? 维也纳会议 1814年9月18日到1815年6月9日之间在暗、奥地利维也纳召开的一次欧洲列强的外交会议,由克莱门斯 文策尔 冯 梅特倪提议和组织,其目的是重划拿破仑战败后的欧洲政治地图。会议主要目的是:推翻各国旧王朝及欧洲封建秩序,防止法国东山再起,战胜国重新分割欧洲的领土和领地。 Back 波旁王朝 一个曾在欧洲历史上断断续续的统治纳瓦尔、法国、西班牙、那不勒斯与西西里、卢森堡等过和意大利若干公国的跨国王朝。 Back 百日政变 战败后的拿破仑与1815年3月20日回到杜伊勒里宫,重新党政。同年6月18日滑铁卢战役失败。 从他返法到滑铁卢战役失败,并与同月22日退位,前后一百余天。史称“百日”。 Back * THE GREAT REACTION 2014年5月15日 Undo the damage done by the great Napoleonic flood The laughing stock of German Confederation The Spy Era Undo 解开、松开、取消 odds and ends 零碎的东西、杂七杂八的东西 Doctrine 教义、主义 Dislodged 逐出、用力移除、移走 Disturbed 扰乱治安、扰乱平静 semi-independent 半独立 Fleet 舰队 Adjutant


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