Warming up and reading人教版必修四第一单元阅读.ppt

Warming up and reading人教版必修四第一单元阅读.ppt

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Warming up and reading人教版必修四第一单元阅读

* * Warming up and reading One of Chairman Mao Zedong’s famous maxims (格言) was that women hold up half the sky. What do you think of this saying? Can you give an example about such a lady? Discuss the following questions. 1. What are the differences between a great person and an important person? great of excellent quality or ability important powerful or having influence Most of the great people are also important people, but important people may not also be great people. 2. What makes a person great? (The quality of a great person) hard working intelligent determined generous helpful honest kind unselfish passionate make great contribution to man get on well with others never loss heart be active in social activities do public service without paid 3. Name some great women in Chinese history. What are they famous for? 4. Which of the women on Page 1 do you think is a great woman? Give your reasons. 1). Did she follow her ideas and sacrifice anything so that her ideas could be realized? Did she unselfishly give up anything to achieve her goal? 2). Did she go through struggles and difficulties? Did you read any books about women of achievement? What makes them great? Describe a woman that you think great. Ada E. Yonath (1939 -- ) is an Israeli crystallographer. In 2009, she received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with two men scientists. Florence Nightingale (1820 – 1910) was an English nurse, writer and statistician. The annual International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world on her birthday. Deng Yingchao (1904 -1992), participated as a team leader in the May Fourth Movement. She promoted the abolition of foot binding imposed on women. Yang Lan is a leading television anchor in China. She is also the co-founder of Sun Media Investment Holdings, Ltd., one of China’s most prominent private-media groups. ? Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselv


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