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冬季上火怎么办? What about the winter fire? According to the theory of Chinese medicine, the main problem of good anger is liver, liver, liver, spleen, liver, etc. Different symptoms of fire, the treatment should be different. Liver depression and qi stagnation Symptoms include frequent sighing, chest pain or pain. The etiology of hepatic depression is caused by depression, mental stimulation, or trauma history. Countermeasures: first, we should use the method of mental health to regulate the mind and emotion, and then take the method of the treatment of the etiology. There are many foods that can be used to treat the liver, such as celery, shagin, tomatoes, turnips, oranges, grapefruit, citrus, citron, and buddhist fingers. Getting on inflammation Symptoms include sleep dreams, swollen eyes, sore throat, and thirst. The cause is mostly liver and depression, or smoking and drinking too much, or because of the spicy and spicy food. Countermeasures: in addition to quit alcohol, diet fat in spicy food, want right amount eat liver xie hot food, such as bitter melon, lettuce, tomato, green beans, mungbean sprout, yellow bean sprouts, celery, cabbage, artichokes, lily flower, rape, towel gourd, plum, green plum, hawthorn and citrus, etc. The liver by pixu (spleen deficient) Symptoms are fatigue, lack of abdominal distension, pain of two sides, loose stool, etc. The etiology is caused by the weakness of the spleen, the liver is too strong, the function of the function that affects the spleen is caused. Countermeasures: are down-regulated, chengdu sichuan cuisine chef, new Oriental school, the teacher advised on food should eat more to have the spleen yiqi efficacy of food, such as lentils, Chinese sorghum, coix seed, buckwheat, chestnuts, lotus seed, Gordon euryale seed, Chinese yam, big jujube, carrots, artichokes, pumpkins, oranges, oranges and other food. Different medicines need to be different in the upper part of the fire On coke fire: outstanding performance for eat, this


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