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夏天了,洗发水也需要换季txt In the summer, shampoo needs a new season Sorching summer, healthy hair is facing the biggest problem is that the scalp sebum secretion exuberant and sunlight, sea water, swimming pool water damage, in fact, as long as we are in play, spend little time and energy to caress, can let your hair away from summer. Hair, experts say, just like normal skin care process, deeply clean, nourishing and protective steps also apply to caress your hair, according to the condition of the hair and the environment changes, skillfully use all kinds of hair products, can make thousands of silk hair shine. Summer hair is found to be fragile In addition to the more familiar scalp sebum secretion, summer hair has an obvious feature: vulnerability. Intense ultraviolet radiation, not only will lose luster and elasticity, make the hair hair color becomes shallow, also can cause a certain degree of harm to the head skin, dry, split ends is poor condition of the hair of the red flag. Hairdressing expert points out, summer problem first is dry and frizzy hair, the hair long exposure in the sun, hair cortex lost moisture, control water is reduced, the hair will become dry. 2 it is lack of elastic luster, the bases of the hair is protein, and the ultraviolet ray in sunshine for protein decomposition of a strong, causing MAO xiaopi become warped and spalling, lose hair elasticity and luster. The third danger signal is split ends. Experiments show that the hair is 6 months after exposure to sunlight scalp and internal structural changes in the cells, easy to decompose melanin in the hair, making hair color becomes shallow, and the decomposition of melanin in the hair most easily, so particularly easy to cause head split ends and fracture. The expert points out, the most simple and effective repair method is everyday shampoo, because shampoo contains nutrients has excellent moisturizing effect, will also leave a layer of protective film on the hair surface, block uv further damage


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