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FAT文件系统在SD卡上的实现和应用 摘 要 本次设计的内容是FAT文件系统在SD卡上应用与实现he application and Realization of FAT file system in the SD card Abstract The content of this design is the application and Realization of FAT file system in the SD card. SD card structure can guarantee the security of digital file transfer, but also easy to format, so have a wide range of applications, music, movies, news and other multimedia files can be easilysaved to SD card. So many digital cameras also support SD card. In this paper, using the C language program design, editing and compilingsoftware: Win AVR simulation software: AVR Studio 4, first introduces the underlying SD card under SD bus read and write operations, and then on the FAT32 file system structure is analyzed, by using serial view the SD cardaccess file. Finally, design of the SD card file read, create, delete the code to achieve, through cross compiler in Atmega16 development board test.The results show, the method can be applied to the MP3 project, easy toread the same song, for file management. The minimum system design is easy: just need to connect the power supply,welding oscillator can work. Many beginners understand concepts more easily: for example AVR clock (crystal, internal RC) without frequencydirectly for CPU, and 51 CPU frequency equal to the frequency of 12. AVR not only has a simple, can be made ISP download line and Jtag simulator,and a package of DIP line. The standard C learning AVR C programming language and C language textbooks on the language grammar is almost the same, unlike the 51 C language, definition of variables bit, SRF, is not to be found in textbooks, useful for embedded system study. Key words: SD card file system, FatFs, AVR microcontroller 目  录 摘 要 i Abstract ii 第一章 引言 1 第一节 研究背景 1 第二节 研究现状 2 第三节 主要工作 3 第二章 需求分析 4 第一节 需求分析 4 第二节 性能分析 4 第三章 功能设计 5 第一节 总体设计 5 第二节 硬件设计 5 第三节 软件设计 5 第四章 SD卡规范 7 第一节 SD卡概述 7 第二节 SD存储卡的系统概念 7 第三节 SD存储卡系统包括SD存储卡的总线及其主机/应用 7 一、 SD总线拓扑结构 7 二、 SD总线协议 8 第五章


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