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托福写作备考之长句翻译练习 1. It is inevitable for the old to have generation gap with their children. 对老年人来说,和他们的孩子有代沟是不可避免的。 2. It is sagacious that all relevant factors should be taken into account before taking any action. 在采取任何行动之前,应该考虑所有相关的因素,这是明智之举。 3. A fear has arisen among some people that the more machines will be used, the more workers will be unemployed and the lower our living standard will become. 恐惧在一些人当中出现了。那就是,机器用得越多,失业的工人就越多,而我们的生活水平就会越低。 4. Before airing my opinion, I will analyze the hot issue from diverse perspectives. 在表明观点之前,我将从不从的角度来分析这个热门话题。 5. As soon as a child becomes old enough to communicate with other children, he begins having friends, who sometimes influence him more rapidly than his family. 当一个孩子长到足以和其他人交流时,他便开始交朋友,这些朋友对他的影响有时比家庭更快 6. They spend too much time in front of the television, ignoring their study, outdoor activities and even their families. 他们在电视机前面花费了太多的时间,忽略了学习、户外活动,甚至他们的家庭。 7. But the disadvantage of this solution lies in the fact that too much land that could be used for farming or housing will inevitably be occupied by more and more roads.(同位语从句) 但此种方案的不足之处在于这样一个事实:修建越来越多的道路会不可避免的占用过多的土地,而这些土地 原本是可以用于耕种或建房的。 8. In the countryside, the air is clean, the food is fresh and houses are totally spacious with large yards around them. (并列句) 在乡村,空气清新,食物新鲜,房子四周通常有宽敞的庭院。 9. Then couldn’t we live in the fresh air while enjoying the mobility of cars? 否定疑问句 我们在享受着汽车带来的行动自如的同时,难道就呼吸不上新鲜的空气了吗? 10. If students are forced to wear uniforms every day, how can they develop their individuality and creativity? 特 殊疑问句 如果学生被迫每天都穿校服,那他们怎么发展个性和创造力呢? 11. Today when the global economy is in depression, how will you make the choice to domesticate animals with an empty stomach or to solve the living problem with animals as the source of food and clothing? 在全球经济并不景气的今天,你会选择饿着肚子驯养宠物,还是把它们当作衣物和食物的来源,以求解决自 身生存的问题呢? 选择疑问句 12. In addition, the huge amounts of money spared may be poured into the construction of many highways, factories, hospitals and sch


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