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零中介留学:SAT物理专题 General Test-Takin  据360教育集团()介绍:SAT物理专题 General Test-Takin 据360教育集团介绍,SAT考试是美国高中生进入美国大学的标准入学考试,包括SAT1和SAT2。SAT2是专项测验,有数学、物理、化学、生物、外语等,大部分为选择题,是可以选科的。今天我们来学习SATII物理专题分析 General Test-Taking Strategies,希望对大家的复习有所帮助。 Most of these “strategies” are common sense; many of them you already know. But we’re including them anyway because it’s amazing how a timed test can warp and mangle common sense. If you review anything in the minutes before taking the test, review these strategies. General Hint 1: Be Calm The best way to do poorly on a test is to psych yourself out. Physics in particular calls for cool, systematic thinking: if your mind starts thrashing about wildly, it will have a hard time settling on the right answers. There are a number of preventative measures you can take, beginning weeks, or even months, before the test date. Buying this book was a good start: it’s reassuring to see all the information you’ll need to ace the test in a compact, manageable form. But there are a number of other things you ought to keep in mind: Study in advance. If you’ve studied at regular intervals leading up to the test, and don’t do all your cramming the night before, the information will sit more securely in your mind. Be well rested. Get a good night’s sleep on the two nights leading up to the test. If you’re frazzled or wired, you’re going to have a harder time buckling down and concentrating when it really counts. Come up for air. Don’t assume that the best way to take an hour-long test is to spend the full hour nose-to-nose with the test questions. If you lift your head occasionally, look about you, and take a deep breath, you’ll return to the test with a clearer mind. You’ll lose maybe ten seconds of your total test-taking time, but you’ll be all the more focused for the other fifty-nine minutes and fifty seconds. General Hint 2: Fill in Your Answers Carefully This is very important. People make mistakes filling in their answer sheets and it can cost them big-t


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